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View source: R/codiguera_ciiu.R
Función para cargar codiguera de CIIU Rev. 4.
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Función para cargar codiguera de CIIU Rev. 4. Clasificación Industrial Internacional Uniforme.
Observatorio Productivo - Transforma Uruguay
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 | ## The function is currently defined as
function (x)
seccion %>%
left_join(seccion_division, by = "seccion") %>%
left_join(division, by = "division") %>%
left_join(grupo %>% mutate(division = str_sub(grupo, 1, 2)), by = "division") %>%
left_join(clase %>% mutate(grupo = str_sub(clase, 1, 3)), by = "grupo") %>%
mutate(clase = case_when( == TRUE ~ str_c(grupo, 0), TRUE ~ clase),
desc_clase = case_when( == TRUE ~ desc_grupo, TRUE ~ desc_clase)) %>%
left_join(subclase %>% mutate(clase = str_sub(subclase, 1, 4),
grupo = str_sub(subclase, 1, 3)),
by = c("clase", "grupo")) %>%
mutate(subclase = case_when( == TRUE ~ str_c(clase, 0), TRUE ~ subclase),
desc_subclase = case_when( == TRUE ~ desc_clase, TRUE ~ desc_subclase)) %>%
mutate(desc_clase = if_else(clase == "4631", "Comercio al por mayor de alimentos, bebidas y tabaco.",
desc_clase)) %>%
union_all(cargar_ciiu_INE_anexo()) %>%
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