What is this?

The MICr package provides the ability to compute and display Matrices of Implied Causation (MICs) and the corresponding MIC Tables for Structural Equation Models (SEMs).

MICs provide an at-a-glance way to examine the causal implications of a model. The MIC and MIC Table display the total effects, adding up all mediated and direct effects, of every variable on every other variable in the model. We argue that model-implied causal structures should be examined as a means of model checking, and that MIC comparisons should be used as part of model comparison and utilized as a form of intervention design.


You can install the latest version of MICr with:

# install.packages("devtools")


Brick, T.R., & Bailey, D. H. (under review). Rock the MIC: The Matrix of Implied Causation for Design and Model Checking.

trbrick/MICr documentation built on March 7, 2020, 3:30 p.m.