
#' @title Convenience Functions for Biscuit
#' @description A test harness for bsseq loading of Biscuit output,
#'              summarization of WGBS data over defined regions and in mappable
#'              samples (with or without imputation, dropping mostly-NA rows,
#'              age estimates, etc.)
#' @author Timothy J Triche Jr \email{Tim.Triche@vai.org},
#'         Wanding Zhou \email{Wanding.Zhou@vai.org},
#'         Ben Johnson \email{Ben.Johnson@vai.org},
#'         Jacob Morrison \email{Jacob.Morrison@vai.org},
#'         Lyong Heo \email{Lyong.Heo@vai.org}
#' @seealso Useful links:
#'          \itemize{
#'            \item \url{https://github.com/trichelab/biscuiteer}
#'            \item Report bugs at
#'                  \url{https://github.com/trichelab/biscuiteer/issues}
#'          }
#' @aliases biscuiteer
#' @examples
#'   orig_bed <- system.file("extdata", "MCF7_Cunha_chr11p15.bed.gz",
#'                           package="biscuiteer")
#'   orig_vcf <- system.file("extdata", "MCF7_Cunha_header_only.vcf.gz",
#'                           package="biscuiteer")
#'   bisc <- readBiscuit(BEDfile = orig_bed, VCFfile = orig_vcf,
#'                       merged = FALSE)
#' @keywords Biscuit DataImport DNAMethylation
.onAttach <- function (lib,
                       pkgname = "biscuiteer") {
    ## Put stuff here you want to run when your package is loaded
trichelab/biscuiteer documentation built on March 4, 2024, 12:22 a.m.