
<p><img src="" alt="qdapicon"/><br/>
qdap (Quantitative Discourse Analysis Package) is an R package designed to assist in quantitative discourse analysis.  The package stands as a bridge between qualitative transcripts of dialogue and statistical analysis and visualization.</p>


<p><strong>Note</strong>: Windows users may need to install <code><a href="">RCurl</a></code> before installing qdap.  Use the following short script:</p>

<pre><code class="r">URL &lt;- &quot;;
install.packages(&quot;RCurl&quot;, contriburl = URL)

<p><strong>Note</strong>: Mac users must install <code><a href="">openNLP</a></code> from source before attempting to install <code>qdap</code>.  </p>

<p>This may require installing the appropriate version <a href="">XTools</a> from the <a href="">Apple Developer site</a>.  You may need to <a href="">register as an Apple developer</a>.  An older version of XTools may also be required.</p>

<pre><code class="r">install.packages(&quot;openNLP&quot;, type = &quot;source&quot;)
install.packages(&quot;qdap&quot;, type = &quot;source&quot;)

<p>Download the development version <a href="">here</a> 
trinker/acc.roxygen2 documentation built on May 31, 2019, 8:41 p.m.