
Defines functions p_temp

Documented in p_temp

#' Install a Package Temporarily
#' Installs and loads a package for the current session.
#' The package won't be available in future sessions and will
#' eventually be deleted from the machine with no additional
#' effort needed by the user.  This will also install the necessary
#' dependencies temporarily as well.
#' @param package The package we want to install temporarily
#' @param character.only logical. Is the input a character string?
#' @export
#' @author juba (stackoverflow.com) and Dason Kurkiewicz
#' @references \url{http://stackoverflow.com/a/14896943/1003565}
p_temp <- function(package, character.only = FALSE){
        package <- as.character(substitute(package))
    # Get a temporary directory to install into
    # the logic being that this will be wiped eventually
    temppath <- tempdir()
    currentLibPaths <- .libPaths()
    # Add the temp path to libPaths so that it can be loaded...
    if(!temppath %in% currentLibPaths){
        .libPaths(c(currentLibPaths, temppath))
    # Install into the temppath
    p_install(package, character.only = TRUE, lib = temppath)
    # load the package
    # NOTE: Is there a reason to use or not to use p_load?
    #require(package, character.only = TRUE)
    invisible(p_load_single(package, lib = temppath))

trinker/pacman documentation built on May 21, 2020, 6:23 a.m.