lmIntXY: Confidence and prediction intervals for regression.

lmIntXYR Documentation

Confidence and prediction intervals for regression.


lmInt contructs confidence and prediction intervals for simple linear regression. For a simple univariate linear model in the form of EY = beta_0 + beta_1 X computed using 'lm(y ~ x)', 'lmIntervals' computes confidence intervals around the regression line (i.e. the point-wise confidence bands of E(Y | X = \code{x}) for each individual x), confidence intervals for the regression line (i.e. the simultaneous confidence bands of E(Y) for all x), and prediction intervals (i.e. point-wise confidence bands for new observations Y for each individual x).


lmIntXY(x, y, d = 100)



independent variable, or a fitted linear model


dependent variable


a vector of values to compute the intervals for, or a number of values to be automatically generated to uniformly span the range of ‘x’


The confidence intervals around the regression line and the prediction intervals are computed using the 'predict.lm' function. The confidence intervals for the regression line are computed according to eq. (4.15) in Zvara2008.


An object of class lmInt - a data frame of columns x holding the values of the independent variable the intervals are computed for, fit holding the mean value fitted by the regression model, ciaLwr and ciaUpr holding confidence intervals around the regression line, cifLwr and cifUpr holding confidence intervals for the regression line, and piLwr and piUpr holding predictions intervals.


deprecated, use lmInt instead


Tomas Sieger


Karel Zv\'ara: Regrese, Matfyzpress Praha 2008

See Also

predict.lm, lm


lmi <- lmIntXY(Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width, 30)
plot(Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width)
plot(lmi, fit = TRUE, lty = 1, col='red')
plot(lmi, cia = TRUE, lty = 1)
plot(lmi, cif = TRUE, lty = 2)
plot(lmi, pi = TRUE, lty = 3)
legend('topright', bg='white',
  c('fitted regression line',
  'confidence interval around the regression line',
  'confidence interval for the regression line',
  'prediction int.'),
  col = c('red', 'black', 'black', 'black'), lty = c(1, 1, 2, 3))

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