  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

ANRLab redcap data workflow

This vignette showcases the workflow for working with exported data from our database. We will be using a CSV export of the entire database as raw data, not labels.

library(anrlab)  # For processing our data
library(dplyr)   # For additional functionality
library(ggplot2) # For plotting

Reading in data

We start by loading our downloaded data using the load_redcap_csv function. This is equivalent to readr::read_csv but has some additional preproccessing steps. If we investigate this data, we can tell that it's extremely wide and unusable. I've included this as part of the anrlab package's data to use for these examples.

# report <- load_redcap_csv("testdata.csv")
report <- anrlab::test_data

We'll be using the split_instruments function to accomplish 2 goals:

In more technical terms we're basically splitting up the data into a relational database, so I'll be referring to this as report_db to differentiate it from db.

report_db <- split_instruments(report, verbose = FALSE)

Working with lists

If we look at the class of each object we'll see they're quite different, although the type of each object is the same.


In particular, report is a dataframe while report_db is a list. With dataframes you may already know that you can access a single column with $ using df$columname. With R, dataframes are really just lists that can be treated as tabular. Each entry of a list in a dataframe corresponds to a column with a name and some vector of data. So when you do df$columnname what you're really doing is accessing a named entry within a list, like list$entryname.

However, not all lists are dataframes, and the data within each entry can actually be something more complex than a series of numbers. In particular, we can have a list of dataframes, which is what our report_db object is. In this case, each entry of our list has a name, and for our purposes those names happen to be a shortened name of each instrument.

names(report_db)[10:20] # Show just a few

This means that if we want to access just the data for the NAVS, we can use the same syntax we would use if we had a particular column in a dataframe we wanted to access.

report_db$navs # Returns the navs dataframe

Structure of data

The original structure in the report object has each variable (eg item) in a single column. While this may be in so-called tidy format, it's actually very hard to work with for statistical purposes. As mentioned earlier, the split_instruments function puts things in a usable format. Looking at the report_db$navs output above, we see much fewer columns and way more rows.

The precise columns vary on the test and the tasks, but there are some common practices. Each language assessment instrument has the following columns:

Most assessment instruments also typically have the following, but not always depending on the structure:

One last thing to point out is that you will likely see many NAs. This isn't necessarily an issue of missing data. This is more of a design choice where all the data for an instrument is kept together, leading to a list of dataframes, rather than having a list of lists of dataframes, where we'd have a more complex nested structure but with the subtests split up. So, in the report_db$navs example from before, all the NAs in the preview we saw were because the vnt subtest has a correct/incorrect question, but doesn't have the "circle x V y etc" task from later in the assessment. We can investigate just that task through filtering:

report_db$navs %>% 
  filter(subtest == "aspt")

For the aspt subtest, there's no response transcription or singular accuracy measure, but the other columns now have values. One thing to note for this specific example is that each item in this subtest is different, so not all the items have a y or z value, hence the NAs. It's important to keep in mind when NAs occur and why they're occurring to know whether it's actually a case of missing data or not.

Summary scores

You might be saying that you don't actually want all the itemized information, you just want the aggregated scores from the test. This might be especially the case for something like the Western Aphasia Battery (WAB) where you just want the aphasia quotient value. It would seem like a huge pain to need to do all the aggregation and calculations in R for that. Thankfully, all of that is handled on the database side and is available in the exported data so long as you selected the instrument in your data report export (reminder I'm using an export of the entire database).

All final summary scores instruments end in sum with the exception of the NNB test. The NNB has both an nnbsum and an nnbsbtl with additional subtest level scores if needed (there are a lot of them in this test). So, if we want the aphasia quotient values, we can get that easily.


And clearly they're in the aq column.

Demographic and Meta data

The instrument and summary score dataframes only have the item level responses and aggregate calculations respectively for every person with data. But, we probably also need their ages and time since onset. This requires their birth date, date of onset, and the date of the task. The participant info is kept in the report_db$demo dataframe, but the date of the task would still be in the report dataframe (remember this is in an unusable format). Thankfully we have another function that can extract that data.

On our redcap database, all of the task metadata is recorded in a standardize "Info Block" of questions at the top of every instrument. The extract_info function will pull out all of that information into a usable format. Note that a warning will be displayed if there are missing dates, which suggests you should go back and enter that on redcap. We'll ignore that for now though.

report_info <- extract_info(report)
report_info %>% filter(instrument_prefix == 'wabsum')

Here we have a lot of information, and what we're probably most interested in is the age and tsonset columns. Redcap automatically calculates these values so long as the requisite patient information and task date is entered into the demographic info and assessment instruments respectively. Notice that there is also a record_id and redcap_repeat_instrument column just like in the instruments we were looking at. This lets us cross reference the values across different objects and compile the information we want to run statistics on.

Completed data

Redcap also automatically adds information about whether an instrument has been completed or not. This information can be used if you're interested in only the records that, say, have fully completed wab scores. The key is as follows:

report_completes <- extract_completes(report)

If a participant has no data for a form (gray bubble) then they simply don't appear in this dataframe.

Querying and Wrangling

Currently we have all the data in our database. One thing we may be interested in is looking at a subset of this data. Say, only the C1 participants at baseline. Doing this filtering is extremely difficult with report and an iterative annoyance at best with report_db. However, recall that that information is held in the info block for each instrument, which is located in the report_info dataframe. So, we can use this smaller dataframe to pick out the subset of information we want from report_db. Remember we conceptually have a relational database at our disposal and we can make use of the report_id column as the common key that connects things together by participant.

# Get only C1 at baseline data
report_filter <-
  report_info %>%
  dplyr::filter(study == 'C1',
         timepoint == 'Baseline')

Here we see that we're only concerned with r nrow(report_filter) rows of data across only r length(unique(report_filter$instrument_prefix)) instruments! We can then use the query_subjects function on this filter we've specified to get a subset of report_db. While doing this, we can also join in information from the report_filter dataframe we made, such as age and time since onset, while ignoring things like who entered the data or administered the test.

subset_db <- query_subjects(report_db, # Our list of dataframes
                              report_filter, # The query we set up
                              join_info = T, # Add in info columns
                              limit_cols = T, # Don't include ALL info columns..
                              include_cols = c('age','tsonset')) # ..only these

Now we have a new subset_db object that's used in exactly the same way as report_db, but there's a lot less data to work with since we filtered out everything we didn't want. We can compare the wabsum dataframes and see that our subset data has only the one participant we're interested in and has added in the age and time since onset information that wasn't in the original report_db.



Here's a very simple example of how we can go from the raw data export to a simple plot of participant performance on different subtests quickly. Notice that most of the code here is in making the plot.

report <- anrlab::test_data
report_db <- split_instruments(report, verbose = FALSE)

report_db$nnb %>% # Get NNB data
  left_join(select(report_db$demo, # Add in aphasia group from demographics
            by = "record_id") %>%  
  mutate(group = ifelse(group == 3, "PPA", "STR")) %>% # Change labels
  ggplot(aes(x = record_id, y = acc, fill = group)) +
  stat_summary(fun = "mean",
               geom = "bar") + # Plot proportion correct
  stat_summary( = "mean_se",
               geom  = "errorbar",
               width = .4) + # Add error bars
  facet_wrap(~subtest) # Facet by subtest

tsostarics/anrlab documentation built on Nov. 6, 2022, 3:54 a.m.