
#' valueBoxValues
#' @description Calculate color and string needed in the ShinyApp valueBoxOutput based on a turfeffect model output
#' @param model An object of class lm, generated by the turfeffect function
#' @param type A string
#' @return x, a list with the first element (x$x) containing the string of slope and p value, and a second element (x$color) containing the color that the valueBox should have
#' @export

valueBoxString <- function(model, type = NULL) {

  est = model$estimate
  p = model$p

  x <- paste("Efecto = ", formatC(est, digits = 2, format = "f"), "; p = ", formatC(p, digits = 2, format = "f")

turfeffect/MPAtools documentation built on June 1, 2019, 2:55 a.m.