Man pages for ucl-cssb/flopr
A package for the normalisation and calibration of flow cytometry and plate reader spectrophotometry data

biotek_parseParser for Biotek Neo 2 plate reader data
calibrate_fluConvert arbitrary fluorescence units to calibrated units
calibrate_odConvert arbitrary absorbance units to calibrated units
cytation_parseParser for Biotek Cytation plate reader data
ff_append_colsAppend data columns to a flowFrame
flu_normNormalise fluorescence against negative well
generate_cfsGenerate Conversion Factors
get_bacteriaRemove background debris events
get_calibrationGet fluorescence calibration curve parameters
get_singletsRemove doublet events
infinite_parseParser for Tecan Infinite plate reader data
next_blankFind next blank line
next_blank_cellFind next blank line
next_blank_rowFind next blank line
next_filledFind next non-blank line
next_filled_cellFind next non-blank line
next_filled_rowFind next non-blank line
od_normNormalisation absorbance against blank well
plot_trimmingPlot trimming process
prep_flow_frameLog10 transform and remove -Inf values from 'flowFrame'
process_fcsProcess an .fcs files to remove debris and doublets
process_fcs_dirProcess .fcs files within a directory to remove debris and...
process_platePlate reader normalisation and calibration
spark_parseParser for Tecan Spark plate reader data
sparkParseParser for Tecan Spark plate reader data
summarise_dataGet geometric mean and standard deviation of fluorescence...
to_mefCalibrate fluorescence measurements
ucl-cssb/flopr documentation built on Jan. 27, 2024, 11:49 a.m.