kable_ueb: A kable_ueb Function

View source: R/kable_ueb.R

kable_uebR Documentation

A kable_ueb Function


  caption = NULL,
  font_size = 13,
  full_width = FALSE,
  escape = FALSE,
  col.background = "#993489",
  position = "center",



table to kable


Character vector containing the table's caption or title. Set to NULL to suppress the caption. Default value is NULL.


A numeric input for table font size


A TRUE or FALSE variable controlling whether the HTML table should have 100


escapeBoolean; whether to escape special characters when producing HTML or LaTeX tables. When escape = FALSE, you have to make sure that special characters will not trigger syntax errors in LaTeX or HTML.


col.backgroundA character string for row background color. Here please pay attention to the differences in color codes between HTML and LaTeX.

DESCRIPCIO DE LA FUNCIO aa <- data.frame(num = rnorm(10), fact= factor(rep(c("A","B","C"), 10))) kable_ueb(aa) kable_ueb(aa, digits = 2, row.names = TRUE, position = "left") kable_ueb(aa, digits = 2, row.names = TRUE, format = "latex") html kable ueb

uebvhir/anaStatsUEB documentation built on Feb. 18, 2025, 4:19 a.m.