Man pages for umich-biostatistics/AdaptiveBayesianUpdates
Adaptive Bayesian Updates

adaptBayes-packageThe 'adaptBayes' package.
calculate_m_effCompute inverse of 'solve_for_hiershrink_scale'
create_projectionProjection matrix (or list of projection matrices)
currentExample data set
glm_nabFit GLM with the 'naive adaptive bayes' prior
glm_sabFit GLM with the 'sensible adaptive bayes' prior
glm_sab2Fit GLM with version 2 of the the 'sensible adaptive bayes'...
glm_sbFit GLM with the 'sensible bayes' prior
glm_sb2Fit GLM with version 2 of the the 'sensible bayes' prior
glm_standardGLM equipped with the 'standard' prior evaluated
glm_studtFit GLM with a regularized student-t prior regression...
historicalExample data set
solve_for_hiershrink_scaleNumerical-based solution to the scale parameter
tryCatch.W.EError-handling function
umich-biostatistics/AdaptiveBayesianUpdates documentation built on May 21, 2024, 5:29 a.m.