solve_for_hiershrink_scale: Numerical-based solution to the scale parameter

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solve_for_hiershrink_scaleR Documentation

Numerical-based solution to the scale parameter


This function calculates a numerical-based solution to the quantity c / sigma in the equation at the end of first paragraph on page e50. It is intended to be provided as the value for beta_orig_scale and beta_aug_scale in the functions glm_sab, glm_nab, and glm_standard


  local_dof = 1,
  global_dof = 1,
  slab_dof = Inf,
  slab_scale = 15,
  tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5,
  max_iter = 100,
  n_sim = 2e+05,
  slab_precision = NULL



(pos. reals): the desired prior number of effective parameters (tilde xi_eff in Boonstra and Barbaro). An error will be thrown if target_mean > npar


(pos. integers): the number of covariates.


(pos. integer) number indicating the degrees of freedom for lambda_j. Boonstra and Barbaro always used local_dof = 1. Choose a negative value to tell the function that there are no local hyperparameters.


(pos. integer) number indicating the degrees of freedom for tau. Boonstra and Barbaro always used global_dof = 1. Choose a negative value to tell the function that there is no global hyperparameter.


see slab_scale


(pos. real) these control the slab-part of the regularized horseshoe. Specifically, in the notation of Boonstra and Barbaro, d^2~InverseGamma(slab_dof/2, slab_scale^2*slab_dof/2). In Boonstra and Barbaro, d was fixed at 15, and you can achieve this by leaving these at their default values of slab_dof = Inf and slab_scale = 15.


(pos. integer) sample size of the study


(pos. real) numerical tolerance for convergence of solution


(pos. integer) maximum number of iterations to run without convergence before giving up


(pos. integer) number of simulated draws from the underlying student-t hyperpriors to calculate the Monte Carlo-based approximation of the expectation.


(pos. real) the slab-part of the regularized horseshoe, this is equivalent to (1/d)^2 in the notation of Boonstra and Barbaro. If specified, it is assumed that you want a fixed slab component and will take precedence over any provided values of slab_dof and slab_scale; slab_precision is provided for backwards compatibility but will be going away in a future release, and the proper way to specify a fixed slab component with with precision 1/d^2 for some number d is through slab_dof = Inf and slab_scale = d.


If the outcome of interest is binary, then sigma doesn't actually exist as a real parameter, and it will be set equal to 2 inside glm_sab, glm_nab, or glm_standard. If the outcome of interest is continuous, then sigma is equipped with its own weak prior. In either case, it is not intended that the user scale by sigma "manually".


A list containing the following named elements:

  • scalethe solution, interpreted as c / sigma

  • diff_from_targetthe difference between the numerical value and the target, should be close to zero

  • iternumber of iterations performed

  • prior_numthe resulting value of m_eff corresponding to this solution

umich-biostatistics/AdaptiveBayesianUpdates documentation built on May 21, 2024, 5:29 a.m.