
Defines functions solve_for_hiershrink_scale

Documented in solve_for_hiershrink_scale

#' Numerical-based solution to the scale parameter
#' This function calculates a numerical-based solution to the quantity c / sigma
#' in the equation at the end of first paragraph on page e50. It is intended to
#' be provided as the value for beta_orig_scale and beta_aug_scale in the
#' functions `glm_sab`, `glm_nab`, and `glm_standard`
#' If the outcome of interest is binary, then sigma doesn't actually exist as a
#' real parameter, and it will be set equal to 2 inside `glm_sab`,  `glm_nab`,
#' or `glm_standard`. If the outcome of interest is continuous, then sigma is
#' equipped with its own weak prior. In either case, it is not intended that the
#' user scale by sigma "manually".
#' @param target_mean (pos. reals): the desired prior number of effective
#'   parameters (tilde xi_eff in Boonstra and Barbaro). An error will be thrown
#'   if target_mean > npar
#' @param npar (pos. integers): the number of covariates.
#' @param local_dof (pos. integer) number indicating the degrees of freedom for
#'   lambda_j. Boonstra and Barbaro always used local_dof = 1. Choose a negative
#'   value to tell the function that there are no local hyperparameters.
#' @param global_dof (pos. integer) number indicating the degrees of freedom for
#'   tau. Boonstra and Barbaro always used global_dof = 1. Choose a negative
#'   value to tell the function that there is no global hyperparameter.
#' @param slab_dof see `slab_scale`
#' @param slab_scale (pos. real) these control the slab-part of the regularized
#'   horseshoe. Specifically, in the notation of Boonstra and Barbaro,
#'   d^2~InverseGamma(`slab_dof`/2, `slab_scale`^2*`slab_dof`/2). In Boonstra
#'   and Barbaro, d was fixed at 15, and you can achieve this by leaving these
#'   at their default values of `slab_dof` = Inf and `slab_scale` = 15.
#' @param n (pos. integer) sample size of the study
#' @param tol (pos. real) numerical tolerance for convergence of solution
#' @param max_iter (pos. integer) maximum number of iterations to run without
#'   convergence before giving up
#' @param n_sim (pos. integer) number of simulated draws from the underlying
#'   student-t hyperpriors to calculate the Monte Carlo-based approximation of
#'   the expectation.
#' @param slab_precision (pos. real) the slab-part of the regularized horseshoe,
#'   this is equivalent to (1/d)^2 in the notation of Boonstra and Barbaro. If
#'   specified, it is assumed that you want a fixed slab component and will take
#'   precedence over any provided values of `slab_dof` and `slab_scale`;
#'   `slab_precision` is provided for backwards compatibility but will be going
#'   away in a future release, and the proper way to specify a fixed slab
#'   component with with precision 1/d^2 for some number d is through `slab_dof
#'   = Inf` and `slab_scale = d`.
#' @return A `list` containing the following named elements:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{scale}{the solution, interpreted as c / sigma}
#'   \item{diff_from_target}{the difference between the numerical value and the target, should be close to zero}
#'   \item{iter}{number of iterations performed}
#'   \item{prior_num}{the resulting value of m_eff corresponding to this solution}
#' }
#' @importFrom stats rgamma
#' @export

solve_for_hiershrink_scale = function(target_mean,
                                      local_dof = 1,
                                      global_dof = 1,
                                      slab_dof = Inf,
                                      slab_scale = 15,
                                      tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5,
                                      max_iter = 100,
                                      n_sim = 2e5,
                                      slab_precision = NULL
) {

  stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(npar%%1,0)));#Ensure integers
  do_local = (local_dof > 0);
  do_global = (global_dof > 0);
  if(do_local) {
    lambda = matrix(rt(n_sim * npar,df = local_dof), nrow = n_sim);
  } else {
    lambda = matrix(1, nrow = n_sim, ncol = npar);
  if(do_global) {
    tau = rt(n_sim,df=global_dof);
    lambda = lambda * tau;
  lambda_sq = lambda^2

  if(!is.null(slab_precision)) {
    slab_dof = Inf;
    slab_scale = 1 / sqrt(slab_precision);
    message(paste0("'slab_precision' will be going away in a future release; use 'slab_dof = Inf' and 'slab_scale = 1/sqrt(",slab_precision,")'"))
  if(is.infinite(slab_dof)) {
    d_inv_squared = 1 / slab_scale^2
  } else {
    d_inv_squared = rgamma(n_sim, slab_dof / 2, slab_scale^2 * slab_dof / 2)

  stopifnot(target_mean > 0 && target_mean < npar);#Ensure proper bounds
  log_scale =
    diff_target =
  log_scale[1] = log(target_mean/(npar - target_mean) / sqrt(n));
  scales_sq = 1 / (d_inv_squared + 1 / (exp(2*log_scale[1]) * lambda_sq));
  kappa = 1 / (1 + n * scales_sq);
  diff_target[1] = mean(rowSums(1 - kappa)) - target_mean;
  log_scale[2] = 0.02 + log_scale[1];
  scales_sq = 1 / (d_inv_squared + 1 / (exp(2*log_scale[2]) * lambda_sq));
  kappa = 1 / (1 + n * scales_sq);
  diff_target[2] = mean(rowSums(1 - kappa)) - target_mean;
  while(T) {
    i = i+1;
    if(i > max_iter) {i = i-1; break;}
    log_scale[i] = log_scale[i-1] - diff_target[i-1]*(log_scale[i-1]-log_scale[i-2])/(diff_target[i-1]-diff_target[i-2]);
    scales_sq = 1 / (d_inv_squared + 1 / (exp(2*log_scale[i]) * lambda_sq));
    kappa = 1 / (1 + n * scales_sq);
    diff_target[i] = mean(rowSums(1 - kappa)) - target_mean;
    if(abs(diff_target[i] - diff_target[i-1]) < tol) {break;}

  return(list(scale = exp(log_scale[i]),
              diff_from_target = abs(diff_target[i]),
              iter = i,
              prior_num = diff_target[i] + target_mean));
umich-biostatistics/AdaptiveBayesianUpdates documentation built on May 21, 2024, 5:29 a.m.