Man pages for unimi-dse/279a5716
Dashboard for currently playing music on spotify. powered by genius

count_bigramsBigrams dataframe tokenizer
get_artist_songs_in_dfRetrieve songs of artist
get_lyric_from_songRetrieve lyrics of a song
get_lyrics_from_songs_dfRetrieve lyrics of multiple songs
get_my_current_playRetrieve currently playing song on Spotify
make_lda_lyrics2-topic LDA for lyrics
run_appRun the Shiny Application
sentiment_lyricsLyrics sentiment joiner
sentiment_lyrics_countLyrics sentiment joiner
tokenize_lyricsLyrics tokenizer
tokenize_lyrics_clean_stopwordsLyrics Stopwords cleaner
visualize_bigramsPlot graph of bigrams of a lyrics
viz_lda_wordcloudPlot comparative wordcloud for 2-topic LDA
viz_sentiment_by_artistPlot sentiment of a song by artist
viz_sentiment_wordcloudPlot comparative wordcloud for sentiment of words that...
viz_sentiment_word_contribPlot Top 10 words that contribute to positive/negative...
viz_top_10_wordsPlot Top 10 words of a song
unimi-dse/279a5716 documentation built on Feb. 22, 2020, 10:30 p.m.