
Ecommerce Analysis

This apps performs linear regression over dependent varialble-yealry cost spent by user and independent variable -average tim spent by user,to check if there is relation between the spendings of user over app to how much time they spend on app




Load the package.



Run the Shiny application.

  • run()
  • Technologies

    • Shiny App: interactive web apps
    • R language

    Tab 1 : Scatter plot

    Comparison Graph shows Plots Linear regression between two variables ,avg time spent and yearly cost from the data available

    Tab 2 : Distribution Graph

    Shows Distribution of data of the variables taken to check relation

    Tab 3 : Model Summary

    Shows Complete report on the linear regression performed over two variables and

    Tab 4 : Data

    This tab shows the overview of the data used from the ecommerce company to perform data analysis

    unimi-dse/b38a7b1d documentation built on Feb. 17, 2020, 12:37 a.m.