
Defines functions initFromSaveData

#' @title Custom Function Module
#' @name CustomFunctionModule
#' @description Implementation of \code{ModuleInterface} for executing a user
#'   defined function. Uses \code{future} package for execution.
#' @importFrom future resolved
#' @importFrom jsonlite serializeJSON
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @section Class Constructor: \describe{ \item{\code{new(name, fun)}}{
#'   \itemize{ \item{\code{name}: Unique character string that identifies this
#'   module instance.} \item{\code{fun}: function this module will execute. Must
#'   be a reference to the actual function.} } } }
#' @section Public: \describe{ 
#'   \item{\code{clearOutputCache()}}{ \itemize{
#'   \item{Clears output cache stored in this instance so memory can be
#'   reclaimed.} \item{\bold{Returns}: \code{NULL}.} } }
#'   \item{\code{errorCheck(executionCheck = FALSE, ...)}}{ \itemize{ \item{Runs
#'   error checking on the internal state of this object for erroneous values.}
#'   \item{\code{executionCheck}: when set to \code{TRUE}, runs additional
#'   checks to determine if ready for execution.} \item{\code{...}: not used by
#'   this component.} \item{\bold{Returns}: \code{NULL}, will raise a fatal
#'   error if an error is found.} } }
#'   \item{\code{getFuncObj()}}{ \itemize{ \item{Gets the base R function object
#'   that is called when a module's execution is started.} \item{\bold{Returns}:
#'   R function object.} } }
#'   \item{\code{getInputs()}}{ \itemize{ \item{Gets a named logical vector
#'   where the names are the possible inputs into a module and the values
#'   indicate if an input is required.} \item{\bold{Returns}: logical vector.} }
#'   }
#'   \item{\code{getName()}}{ \itemize{ \item{Gets the name of this function.}
#'   \item{\bold{Returns}: character string that is the name of this module.} }
#'   }
#'   \item{\code{getOutput()}}{ \itemize{ \item{Gets the output of the function
#'   executed by this module.} \item{\bold{Returns}: The output of the function
#'   if the execution has completed. \code{NULL} will be returned if the
#'   execution has not been started or is still in progress.} } }
#'   \item{\code{getSaveInfo()}}{ \itemize{ \item{Gets a named list of internal
#'   states of this object which can be used to save this object on disk.}
#'   \item{\bold{Returns}: a named list} } }
#'   \item{\code{hasCompleted()}}{ \itemize{ \item{Indicates if the execution of
#'   the associated function of this module is complete.} \item{\bold{Returns}:
#'   a boolean where \code{TRUE} indicates the execution is complete and
#'   \code{FALSE} indicates the execution is not complete or not started.} } }
#'   \item{\code{startExecution(args)}}{ \itemize{ \item{Starts the execution of
#'   the function associated with this module. This is non-blocking if using an
#'   asynchronous.} \item{\bold{\code{args}}: named list of arguments for
#'   function associated with this module} \item{\bold{Returns}: \code{NULL}} }
#'   } }
#' @section Private: \describe{ \item{\code{fun}}{ \itemize{ \item{Stores
#'   associated function name.} } }
#'   \item{\code{futurePromise}}{ \itemize{ \item{Stores promise of future
#'   output of a function.} } } }
#' @section Static Class Methods: \describe{
#'   \item{\link[updraft]{CustomFunctionModule-cash-initFromSaveData}}{} }
#' @export
CustomFunctionModule <- R6::R6Class(
    , inherit = ModuleInterface
    , public = list(
        initialize = function(name
                              , fun
        ) {
            private$fun <- fun
        , clearOutputCache = function() {
            # TODO: this rm is causing issues
            # if (!is.null(private$futurePromise)) {
            #     rm(private$futurePromise)
            # }
            private$futurePromise <- NULL
        , errorCheck = function(executionCheck = FALSE
                                , ...
        ) {
            if (!is.character(super$getName()) && length(super$getName()) == 1) {
                UpDraftSettings$errorLogger("name value must be a single character string")
            if (super$getName() == '') {
                UpDraftSettings$errorLogger("name value cannot be an empty string")
            if (!is.function(private$fun)) {
                UpDraftSettings$errorLogger("fun must be a reference to a function")
        , getFuncObj = function() {
            #TODO: unit tests
        , getInputs = function() {
        , getOutput = function() {
            if (self$hasCompleted()) {
                out <- tryCatch(expr = {future::value(private$futurePromise)}
                         , error = function(e) {return(FALSE)})
                if(is.logical(out) && !out) {
                } else {
        , getSaveInfo = function() {
            internalState = list()
            internalState[["class"]] <- class(self)[1]
            internalState[['name']] <- super$getName()
            internalState[['fun']] <- jsonlite::serializeJSON(private$fun)
        , hasCompleted = function() {
            if (is.null(private$futurePromise) || !future::resolved(private$futurePromise)) {
            ## Capturing the end time of the module execution.
            ## This will be off by a couple of secs as this isn't an explicite wrapper around the future call.
            ## We do have a execution time logging statement in the function FutureFunctionCall.
        , startExecution = function(args) {
            private$futurePromise <- FutureFunctionCall(func = private$fun
                                                        , args =  args
                                                        , funcName = self$getName())
    , private = list(
        fun = NULL
        , futurePromise = NULL

#' @title CustomFunctionModule Init From Save Data
#' @name CustomFunctionModule$initFromSaveData
#' @description Static factory method that generates a CustomFunctionModule
#'              from json save data.
#' @param saveData json saved data generated through the method \code{getSaveInfo}.
#' @importFrom jsonlite unserializeJSON
CustomFunctionModule$initFromSaveData <- function(saveData) {
    module <- CustomFunctionModule$new(name = saveData$name
                                       , fun = jsonlite::unserializeJSON(saveData$fun))
uptake/updraft documentation built on Oct. 17, 2019, 11:59 a.m.