gen_leaf_parameters: Generate bezier coordinates of a leaf

View source: R/benjamini_leaves.R

gen_leaf_parametersR Documentation

Generate bezier coordinates of a leaf


Except the start point coordinates of the leaf origin x0 & y0 (arbitrarily set to 10 and 40) all coordinates are relative to this origin. Most of the parameters are random generated, except for some of them (e.g., to close polygons, or to keep the stalk and the mid vein on the same line).


  x0 = 10,
  y0 = 40,
  dx10 = sample(8:12, 1),
  dy10 = 0,
  dx21 = sample(12:20, 1),
  dy21 = sample(-4:-10, 1),
  dx32 = sample(10:18, 1),
  dy32 = stats::runif(1, 0.92 * (-dy21 - 1), 0.95 * (-dy21 - 1)),
  dx43 = sample(4:6, 1),
  dy43 = y0 + dy10 + dy21 + dy32,
  sx0 = stats::runif(1, 0, 0.1),
  sx1 = sample(1:3, 1),
  sx2 = sample(4:6, 1),
  sx3 = sample(2:4, 1),
  sx4 = stats::runif(1, 0, 0.2),
  sy0 = stats::runif(1, 0.5, 1),
  sy1 = sample(-4:-6, 1),
  sy2 = stats::runif(1, -0.5, 0.5),
  sy3 = stats::runif(1, 0.5, 1.5),
  sy4 = stats::runif(1, 0.2, 0.7),
  smx1 = sample(-5:-15, 1),
  smx2 = sample(-5:-15, 1),
  smy1 = stats::runif(1, -1, 1),
  smy2 = stats::runif(1, -1, 1)


x0, y0

coordinates of the leaf origin

dx10, dy10, dx21, dy21, dx32, dy32, dx43, dy43

coordinates of the other bezier start & end points

sx0, sx1, sx2, sx3, sx4

x coordinates of the control points

sy0, sy1, sy2, sy3, sy4

y coordinates of the control points

smx1, smx2, smy1, smy2

x & y coordinates of the mid vein control points


named list of all parameters



urswilke/ggbenjamini documentation built on Sept. 13, 2023, 10:46 p.m.