spark_weibull: Manipulate the sizes of the leaves with a Weibull...

View source: R/branch.R

spark_weibullR Documentation

Manipulate the sizes of the leaves with a Weibull distribution


This function returns a function which itself returns a numerical vector of length n_leaves, the number of leaves on the branch. These values serve as relative multiplication factors of the sizes of the leaves of the branch. (The maximum value of this distribution is then normalized to 1.)


spark_weibull(shape = 1.2, scale_factor = 0.5)


shape, scale_factor

Parameters passed to stats::dweibull().


dweibull() function depending on n_leaves as one of the arguments


#Mark the two consecutive pairs of parentheses:
spark_weibull()(n_leaves = 10)

urswilke/ggbenjamini documentation built on Sept. 13, 2023, 10:46 p.m.