# ggdag
xx <- dagify(y ~ a + b + c,
a ~ d , d ~ g, g ~ k,
b ~ e, e ~ i, i ~ l + f + h, h ~ l + j, j ~~ k,
c ~ f,
k ~~ m, l ~~ m, f ~~ m, m ~ x,
labels = c("a"= "Diet", "b" = "Health\n Status",
"c" = "Caring\n Capacity\n &\n Practices",
"d" = "Food\n Access", "e" = "Health\n Care",
"f" = "Women's\n Empowerment", "g" = "Processing\n &\n Storage",
"h" = "Food\n Expenditure", "i" = "Non-food\n Expenditure",
"j" = "Food\n Prices", "k" = "Food\n Production",
"l" = "Agricultural\n Income", "m" = "Agricultural\n Livelihoods",
"x" = "Household\n Assets\n and\n Livelihoods",
"y" = "Child\n Nutrition\n Outcomes"))
edge_type = "link_arc",
text = FALSE,
use_labels = "label",
node_size = 8,
label_size = 1) +
yy <- dagify(y ~ a + b + c + n, n ~ f,
a ~ d , d ~ g, g ~ k,
b ~ e, e ~ i, i ~ l + f + h, h ~ l + j, j ~~ k,
c ~ f,
k ~~ m, l ~~ m, f ~~ m, m ~ x,
labels = c("a"= "Diet", "b" = "Health\n Status",
"c" = "Caring\n Capacity\n &\n Practices",
"d" = "Food\n Access", "e" = "Health\n Care",
"f" = "Women's\n Empowerment", "g" = "Processing\n &\n Storage",
"h" = "Food\n Expenditure", "i" = "Non-food\n Expenditure",
"j" = "Food\n Prices", "k" = "Food\n Production",
"l" = "Agricultural\n Income", "m" = "Agricultural\n Livelihoods",
"x" = "Household\n Assets\n and\n Livelihoods",
"y" = "Mother\n Nutrition\n Outcomes"))
ggdag(yy, text = "FALSE", use_labels = "label") + theme_dag_blank()
# DiagrammeR - Graphviz
digraph agriculturePathway {
# a 'graph' statement
graph [overlap = false,
fontsize = 12]
# several 'node' statements
node [shape = rectangle,
fontname = Helvetica,
style = filled]
y [label = '@@1'];
z [label = '@@2'];
a [label = '@@3'];
b [label = '@@4'];
c [label = '@@5'];
d [label = '@@6'];
e [label = '@@7'];
f [label = '@@8'];
g [label = '@@9'];
h [label = '@@10'];
i [label = '@@11'];
j [label = '@@12'];
k [label = '@@13'];
l [label = '@@14'];
m [label = '@@15'];
n [label = '@@16'];
x [label = '@@17'];
k -> j [dir = both]
k -> g
j -> h
g -> d
l -> {h i}
h -> i [dir = both][arrowsize = 0.5]
h -> d
i -> e
d -> a
e -> b
a -> b [dir = both]
{a b} -> y
{a b} -> z
f -> i
f -> c
f -> n
n -> z
c -> {y z}
x -> m
m -> {k l f} [dir = both]
subgraph {
rank = same; f; l; k;
subgraph {
rank = same; h; i;
subgraph {
rank = same; g; d; e; c;
subgraph {
rank = same; a; b; n;
[1]: 'Child Nutrition Outcomes'
[2]: 'Mother Nutrition Outcomes'
[3]: 'Diet'
[4]: 'Health Status'
[5]: 'Caring Capacity & Practices'
[6]: 'Food Access'
[7]: 'Health Care'
[8]: 'Women Empowerment'
[9]: 'Processing and Storage'
[10]: 'Food Expenditure'
[11]: 'Non-food Expenditure'
[12]: 'Food Prices'
[13]: 'Food Production'
[14]: 'Agricultural Income'
[15]: 'Agricultural Livelihoods'
[16]: 'Female Energy Expenditure'
[17]: 'Household Assets and Livelihoods'
digraph foodProduction {
# a 'graph' statement
graph [overlap = false,
fontsize = 12]
# several 'node' statements
node [shape = rectangle,
fontname = Helvetica,
style = filled]
y [label = '@@1'];
z [label = '@@2'];
a [label = '@@3'];
b [label = '@@4'];
d [label = '@@5'];
g [label = '@@6'];
h [label = '@@7'];
j [label = '@@8'];
k [label = '@@9'];
k -> j [dir = both]
k -> g
j -> h
g -> d
h -> d
d -> a
a -> b [dir = both][arrowsize = 0.5]
{a b} -> y
{a b} -> z
subgraph {
rank = same; j; h;
subgraph {
rank = same; g; d;
subgraph {
rank = same; a; b;
[1]: 'Child Nutrition Outcomes'
[2]: 'Mother Nutrition Outcomes'
[3]: 'Diet'
[4]: 'Health Status'
[5]: 'Food Access'
[6]: 'Processing and Storage'
[7]: 'Food Expenditure'
[8]: 'Food Prices'
[9]: 'Food Production'
digraph agricultureIncome {
# a 'graph' statement
graph [overlap = false,
fontsize = 12]
# several 'node' statements
node [shape = rectangle,
fontname = Helvetica,
style = filled]
y [label = '@@1'];
z [label = '@@2'];
a [label = '@@3'];
b [label = '@@4'];
d [label = '@@5'];
e [label = '@@6'];
h [label = '@@7'];
i [label = '@@8'];
l [label = '@@9'];
l -> {h i}
h -> i [dir = both][arrowsize = 0.5]
h -> d
i -> e
d -> a
e -> b
a -> b [dir = both][arrowsize = 0.5]
{a b} -> y
{a b} -> z
subgraph {
rank = same; h; i;
subgraph {
rank = same; d; e;
subgraph {
rank = same; a; b;
[1]: 'Child Nutrition Outcomes'
[2]: 'Mother Nutrition Outcomes'
[3]: 'Diet'
[4]: 'Health Status'
[5]: 'Food Access'
[6]: 'Health Care'
[7]: 'Food Expenditure'
[8]: 'Non-food Expenditure'
[9]: 'Agricultural Income'
digraph womenEmpowerment {
# a 'graph' statement
graph [overlap = false,
fontsize = 12]
# several 'node' statements
node [shape = rectangle,
fontname = Helvetica,
style = filled]
y [label = '@@1'];
z [label = '@@2'];
a [label = '@@3'];
b [label = '@@4'];
c [label = '@@5'];
d [label = '@@6'];
e [label = '@@7'];
f [label = '@@8'];
h [label = '@@9'];
i [label = '@@10'];
n [label = '@@11'];
h -> i [dir = both]
h -> d
i -> e
d -> a
e -> b
a -> b [dir = both]
{a b} -> y
{a b} -> z
f -> i
f -> c
f -> n
n -> z
c -> {y z}
subgraph {
rank = same; h; i;
subgraph {
rank = same; d; e; c;
subgraph {
rank = same; a; b; n;
[1]: 'Child Nutrition Outcomes'
[2]: 'Mother Nutrition Outcomes'
[3]: 'Diet'
[4]: 'Health Status'
[5]: 'Caring Capacity & Practices'
[6]: 'Food Access'
[7]: 'Health Care'
[8]: 'Women Empowerment'
[9]: 'Food Expenditure'
[10]: 'Non-food Expenditure'
[11]: 'Female Energy Expenditure'
# DiagrammeR - Graphviz
digraph washPathway {
# a 'graph' statement
graph [overlap = false,
fontsize = 12]
# several 'node' statements
node [shape = rectangle,
fontname = Helvetica,
style = filled]
y [label = '@@1'];
a [label = '@@2'];
b [label = '@@3'];
c [label = '@@4'];
d [label = '@@5'];
e [label = '@@6'];
f [label = '@@7'];
g [label = '@@8'];
h [label = '@@9'];
i [label = '@@10'];
j [label = '@@11'];
k [label = '@@12'];
l [label = '@@13'];
m [label = '@@14'];
n [label = '@@15'];
o [label = '@@16'];
p [label = '@@17'];
q [label = '@@18'];
r [label = '@@19'];
s [label = '@@20'];
{a b c g h} -> y
{i j} -> c
d -> a
e -> b
f -> b
k -> {g h i}
l -> j
m -> {d e f}
{n o p q} -> k
r -> {l s}
s -> m
subgraph {
rank = same; a; b;
subgraph {
rank = same; c; d; e; f;
subgraph {
rank = same; g; h; i; j;
subgraph {
rank = same; k; l; m;
subgraph {
rank = same; n; o; p; q; r; s;
[1]: 'Child Nutrition Outcomes'
[2]: 'Caregiving'
[3]: 'Food Consumption'
[4]: 'Anaemia'
[5]: 'Time'
[6]: 'Household Food Production'
[7]: 'Water Expenditure'
[8]: 'Diarrhoea'
[9]: 'Enteric Infection'
[10]: 'Protozoa/Helminth Infection'
[11]: 'Malaria'
[12]: 'Fecal contamination'
[13]: 'Standing Water'
[14]: 'Water Access'
[15]: 'Latrines'
[16]: 'Child faeces disposal'
[17]: 'Animal penning'
[18]: 'Septage Management'
[19]: 'Water Resources'
[20]: 'Water Supply'
# DiagrammeR - Graphviz
digraph carePathway {
# a 'graph' statement
graph [overlap = false,
fontsize = 12]
# several 'node' statements
node [shape = rectangle,
fontname = Helvetica,
style = filled]
y [label = '@@1'];
z [label = '@@2'];
a [label = '@@3'];
b [label = '@@4'];
c [label = '@@5'];
d [label = '@@6'];
e [label = '@@7'];
f [label = '@@8'];
g [label = '@@9'];
h [label = '@@10'];
{a b} -> y
{a b} -> z
{c d} -> a
{c d} -> b
c -> d [dir = both]
e -> {c d}
f -> d
g -> d
h -> {e f g}
subgraph {
rank = same; a; b;
subgraph {
rank = same; c; d;
subgraph {
rank = same; e; f; g;
[1]: 'Child Nutrition Outcomes'
[2]: 'Mother Nutrition Outcomes'
[3]: 'Incidence of Illnesses'
[4]: 'Prevalence of Illnesses'
[5]: 'Care Practices'
[6]: 'Utilisation of Care Services'
[7]: 'Knowledge of Care Practices'
[8]: 'Awareness and Understanding of Care Services'
[9]: 'Perception of Care Services'
[10]: 'Community and Household Norms on Care Roles and Care-seeking'
# DiagrammeR - Graphviz
digraph healthPathway {
# a 'graph' statement
graph [overlap = false,
fontsize = 12]
# several 'node' statements
node [shape = rectangle,
fontname = Helvetica,
style = filled]
y [label = '@@1'];
z [label = '@@2'];
a [label = '@@3'];
b [label = '@@4'];
c [label = '@@5'];
d [label = '@@6'];
e [label = '@@7'];
f [label = '@@8'];
g [label = '@@9'];
h [label = '@@10'];
i [label = '@@11'];
j [label = '@@12'];
k [label = '@@13'];
l [label = '@@14'];
{a b} -> {y z}
c -> {a b}
d -> c
{e f} -> d
g -> d
{h i} -> g
j -> g
{k l} -> j
subgraph {
rank = same; a; b;
subgraph {
rank = same; k; l;
[1]: 'Child Nutrition Outcomes'
[2]: 'Mother Nutrition Outcomes'
[3]: 'Incidence of Illnesses'
[4]: 'Prevalence of Illnesses'
[5]: 'Utilisation of Health Services'
[6]: 'Acceptability of Health Services'
[7]: 'Quality of Health Services'
[8]: 'Appropriateness of Health Services'
[9]: 'Accessiblity of Health Services'
[10]: 'Cost of Health Services'
[11]: 'Distance to Health Services'
[12]: 'Availability of Health Services'
[13]: 'Treatment Health Services'
[14]: 'Preventive and Promotive Health Services'
# DiagrammeR - Graphviz
digraph impactPathway {
# a 'graph' statement
graph [layout = neato,
overlap = false,
fontsize = 12]
# several 'node' statements
node [shape = ellipse,
fontname = Helvetica,
style = filled]
y [label = '@@1'];
a [label = '@@2'];
b [label = '@@3'];
c [label = '@@4'];
d [label = '@@5'];
{a b c d} -> y
[1]: 'Nutrition Outcomes'
[2]: 'Food Security'
[3]: 'Healthy Environments'
[4]: 'Appropriate and Adequate Care Practices'
[5]: 'Health Services Coverage'
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