  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

dttm_ functions help in the manipulation of date and datetime variables.


The goal of dttm_diff is to compute the difference between two dates.

date1 <- lubridate::dmy("01/05/1998")

date2 <- lubridate::dmy("21/11/2018")

dttm_diff(date1 = date1,date2 = date2,unit = "days")

So the time difference between 21/11/2018 and 01/05/1998 is 7,509 days.

If you need to add a constant to your difference, use the add argument.

dttm_diff(date1 = date1,date2 = date2,unit = "days",add = 1)


The goal of dttm_vars is to compute variables derived from date, such as year, month, day, etc.

dt <- seq(as.Date("1910/1/1"), as.Date("1911/1/1"), "days")

df_dt <- data.frame(dt = dt)

dttm_vars(df_dt,dt) %>% dplyr::glimpse()

The new variables respective to the date are:

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