#' port_duration
#' Calculate the normalized duration of multiple portfolios bond market component
#' @param asset_data
#' @param assets_w matrix (Must be 2-dim), columns are the portfolios, rows assets names, vales are the weights. Colnames and rownames.
#' @return List of portfolios duration, assets normalized duration, assets normalized weight, and assets original duration.
#' @export
port_duration <- function (asset_data, assets_w, dur_field='Duration')
return(list(ports_final_dur = NULL, ports_dur_norm = NULL, assets_w_norm = NULL, ports_dur = NULL))
assets_names <- row.names(assets_w)
assets_dur <- as.double(asset_data[[dur_field]][match(assets_names,asset_data$Asset)])
pos_na <- is.na(assets_dur)
assets_dur[pos_na] <- 0
ports_dur <- (t(assets_dur) %*% as.matrix(assets_w))[1,]
return (ports_dur)
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