Man pages for velocyto-team/velocyto.R
RNA velocity estimation in R

acadjust colors, while keeping the vector names
armaCorA slightly faster way of calculating column correlation... genes by requirining minimum average expression within...
find.ip.sitesidentify positions of likely internal priming sites by...
gene.relative.velocity.estimatesEstimate RNA velocity using gene-relative slopes
global.velcoity.estimatesStructure-based gene velocity estimation
pca.velocity.plotPCA-based visualization of the velocities
read.gene.mapping.inforead in detailed molecular mapping info from hdf5 file as...
read.loom.matricesRead in loom matrices of spliced/unpsliced reads as prepared...
read.strtc1.bamsRead in cell-specific bam files for STRT/C1
show.velocity.on.embedding.corVisualize RNA velocities on an existing embedding using...
show.velocity.on.embedding.euVisualize RNA velocities on an existing embedding using...
tSNE.velocity.plotJoint t-SNE visualization of the velocities by joint t-SNE...
velocyto.R-packageA short title line describing what the package does
velocyto-team/velocyto.R documentation built on Dec. 8, 2019, 3:07 a.m.