Man pages for veseshan/DNAcopy
DNA Copy Number Data Analysis

CNACreate 'Copy Number Array' data object
coriellArray CGH data set of Coriell cell lines
cytoBandCytogenic band data
DNAcopyResults of segmenting a CNA data object
DNAcopy-internalInternal DNAcopy functions
exon.segmentBinary segmentation of exon data.
getbdrySequential stopping boundary
glFrequencyAdditional summary measured for the segments
plot.DNAcopyPlot the data and results from segment of a CNA object
plotSamplePlot the data and results from segmentation for a single...
segmentGenome Segmentation Program
segments.pp-values for the change-points
segments.summaryAdditional summary measured for the segments
smooth.CNASmooth a 'Copy Number Array' data object
subset.CNASubset a 'Copy Number Array' data object
subset.DNAcopySubset a DNAcopy data object
zoomIntoRegionZoomed in view of genomic region
veseshan/DNAcopy documentation built on Oct. 18, 2023, 8:30 p.m.