
Defines functions iModelThreshold

Documented in iModelThreshold

#' iModelThreshold - Thresholds Maxent suitability prediction based on user input. Output of the function is binary map of
#' predicted suitability as 1 and non suitabile region as 0. (Interactive)
#' Interactive version. For noninteracteve version refer \link{ModelThreshold}
#' Function thresholds the suitability predicted by Maxent or by any other niche 
#' modeling algorithm, provided that predicted file is in .asc format. Function 
#' needs 4 parameters, input file, which is prediction file. Occurrence file, 
#' this a occurrence file used in calibrating the model. Format of this file is, speciesname, Longitude, Latitude.
#' PercentThreshold - what percent of ommission is agreable while calibrating the model. This percent is suppose to be decided
#' depending upon how the occurrences are sampled. 
#' OutSuitFile - Final thresholded prediction will be stored in this file and the format of this file is .asc. Suitability
#' will be reclassified into 0 and 1. All the pixels above the thresholded value will be classified as 1 and the pixels below
#' threshold value will be classified as 0.  
#' @import raster
#' @param InSuitFile - Maxent prediction in .asc format
#' @param OccurrenceFile - Occurrences using which Maxent model is trained.
#' @param PercentThreshold - Percent of ommission error, ranges between 0 - 1
#' @param OutSuitFile - Output file name. This file will be stored in the current 
#' working directory, if no path is given.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' iModelThreshold()
#' }
#' @export

iModelThreshold <- function(InSuitFile=NA, OccurrenceFile=NA, PercentThreshold=NA, 
    InSuitFile = file.choose("Input raster : ")
    OccurrenceFile = file.choose("Select occurrence table : ")
    PercentThreshold = as.numeric(readline("Enter threshold between 0 to 1 : "))
    OutSuitFile = readline("Enter output file name : ")
    InRast = raster(InSuitFile)
	Occur = read.table(OccurrenceFile, header=T, sep =",")
	Occur = Occur[,-1]
	ExtRast = extract(InRast, Occur)
	Occur1 = sort(ExtRast)
    RclVal = Occur1[round(length(Occur1) * PercentThreshold) + 1]
	rc = reclassify(InRast, c(0,RclVal,0, RclVal,1,1))
	writeRaster(rc, OutSuitFile)

vijaybarve/ENMGadgets documentation built on May 3, 2019, 6:12 p.m.