
Defines functions stone_load

Documented in stone_load

#' Load touchstone-relevant transformed data into the database. This should be
#' called from the load code of a montagu-import, which must therefore be a
#' custom load, not an automatic one. Call `stoner::stone_load(transformed_data, con)`
#' with the same arguments provided to the montagu-import load function.
#' @title Load touchstone data to database
#' @export
#' @param transformed_data The transformed data from the transform stage. In a
#' form which adheres to the DB schema.
#' @param con Active connection to the DB which the data will be loaded to.
#' @param allow_overwrite_scenario_description If TRUE, then stoner will overwrite
#' rows in the scenario_description table with rows from the CSV file, (matching id,
#' different description or disease), even if there are open or finished touchstones
#' that use this description.
#' @param allow_overwrite_scenario_type If TRUE, then stoner will overwrite
#' rows in the scenario_type table with rows from the CSV file, (matching id,
#' different name), even if there are open or finished touchstones
#' that use this description.

stone_load <- function(transformed_data, con,
                       allow_overwrite_scenario_description = FALSE,
                       allow_overwrite_scenario_type = FALSE) {

  # This is a bit crude, but detect fast-forward and prune, so we don't use
  # load_responsibilities.

  if ("responsibility_comment" %in% names(transformed_data)) {
    load_fast_forward(transformed_data, con)
  } else if ("burden_estimate_set" %in% names(transformed_data)) {
    load_prune(transformed_data, con)
  } else {
    load_touchstone_name(transformed_data, con)
    load_touchstone(transformed_data, con)
    load_scenario_type(transformed_data, con,
    load_scenario_description(transformed_data, con,
    load_touchstone_demographic_dataset(transformed_data, con)
    load_touchstone_country(transformed_data, con)
    load_responsibilities(transformed_data, con)

vimc/stoner documentation built on May 16, 2024, 11:09 a.m.