write_csv <- function(x, file) {
commas <- which(vapply(x, function(y) any(grepl(",", y)), logical(1)))
utils::write.csv(x, file, row.names = FALSE, quote = commas)
read_csv <- function(...) {
utils::read.csv(stringsAsFactors = FALSE, ...)
null_or_empty <- function(t) {
if (is.null(t)) {
if (nrow(t) == 0) {
read_meta <- function(path, filename) {
meta_exists <- function(path, filename) {
file.exists(file.path(path, "meta", filename))
if (meta_exists(path, filename)) {
thefile <- file.path(path, "meta", filename)
header <- utils::read.csv(thefile, nrows = 1, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
cols <- rep(NA, length(names(header)))
names(cols) <- names(header)
# Default: auto-detect
cols[] <- NA
# These I want to fix...
cols[names(cols) == 'disease'] <- "character"
cols[names(cols) == 'country'] <- "character"
cols[names(cols) == 'focal_coverage_set'] <- "numeric"
read_csv(file.path(path, "meta", filename),
colClasses = cols)
} else {
data_frame <- function(...) {
data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE, ...)
split_by <- function(x, by) {
stopifnot(length(x) == 1)
strsplit(x, by)[[1]]
split_semi <- function(x) {
split_by(x, ";")
sql_in <- function(things) {
sql_in_char <- function(strings) {
sprintf("('%s')", paste(strings, collapse = "','"))
sql_in_numeric <- function(numerics) {
sprintf("(%s)", paste(numerics, collapse = ","))
if (is.character(things)) {
} else if (is.numeric(things)) {
} else {
stop("Can't convert things with sql_in")
db_get <- function(con, table, id_field = NULL, id_values = NULL, select = "*") {
sql <- sprintf("SELECT %s FROM %s", select, table)
if (!is.null(id_field)) {
sql <- sprintf("%s WHERE %s IN %s", sql, id_field, sql_in(unique(id_values)))
DBI::dbGetQuery(con, sql)
db_exists <- function(con, table, field, value) {
if (is.character(value)) {
value <- sprintf("'%s'", value)
sql <- sprintf("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %s WHERE %s = %s",
table, field, value)
DBI::dbGetQuery(con, sql)$count == 1
# Return a vector of characters for a table, each entry being all the fields
# of that table mashed together, separated by '\r'
mash <- function(tab, fields = NULL) {
if (!is.null(fields)) {
tab <- tab[, fields]
tab <- tab[, sort(names(tab))]
df_args <- c(tab, sep = "\r")
do.call(paste, df_args)
# Take a data frame of proposed rows for a new table.
# Return copy of the new table with id column filled in:
# -1, -2 ... for new rows, or a positive integer for rows
# that already exist in the target table.
# Allow duplicates, assigning the same serial ids to them.
assign_serial_ids <- function(new_table, db_table, table_name,
mash_fields_csv = NULL,
mash_fields_db = NULL) {
new_table$mash <- mash(new_table, mash_fields_csv)
non_dup_table <- new_table[!duplicated(new_table$mash), ]
if (is.null(mash_fields_db)) {
mash_fields_db <- sort(names(db_table))
mash_fields_db <- mash_fields_db[mash_fields_db != 'id']
db_table$mash <- mash(db_table, mash_fields_db)
non_dup_table$id <- db_table$id[match(non_dup_table$mash, db_table$mash)]
which_nas <- which(is.na(non_dup_table$id))
non_dup_table$already_exists_db <- !is.na(non_dup_table$id)
non_dup_table$id[which_nas] <- seq(from = -1, by = -1,
length.out = length(which_nas))
new_table$id <- non_dup_table$id[match(new_table$mash, non_dup_table$mash)]
new_table$already_exists_db <-
non_dup_table$already_exists_db[match(new_table$mash, non_dup_table$mash)]
new_table$mash <- NULL
# Return a vector of logicals, of whether each row in table1
# occurs somewhere in table 2.
line_occurs_in <- function(table1, table2) {
if (nrow(table2) == 0) {
rep(FALSE, nrow(table1))
} else {
mash(table1) %in% mash(table2)
# If the given table is in the extracted_data,
# create a copy of it, and set the already_exists_db
# to indicate whether the row is already present in
# the database or not.
copy_unique_flag <- function(extracted_data, tab) {
t <- list()
if (tab %in% names(extracted_data) &&
paste0(tab, "_csv") %in% names(extracted_data)) {
t[[tab]] <- extracted_data[[paste0(tab, "_csv")]]
t[[tab]]$already_exists_db <- line_occurs_in(t[[tab]],
# For tables with no id, set the already_exists_db flag
set_unique_flag <- function(con, data, db_table) {
# Do a reasonably small query of combinations of fields.
sql <- paste0("SELECT CONCAT(",
paste(names(data), collapse = ",'\r',"), ") AS mash FROM ", db_table)
data$mash <- mash(data)
db_mashes <- DBI::dbGetQuery(con, sql)$mash
data$already_exists_db <- data$mash %in% db_mashes
data$mash <- NULL
# For rows that contain a serial "id" column. Add all the rows with a negative
# id, letting the db choose the id. Move the given ids to "fake_ids", and
# record the ids the database chose as 'id'. Return a list of the added rows
# (with the id fields), and a list of the rows that are edits.
add_serial_rows <- function(table_name, transformed_data, con, id_field = "id",
fake_id_field = "fake_ids") {
if (!table_name %in% names(transformed_data)) {
return(list(adds = data_frame(), edits = data_frame()))
data <- transformed_data[[table_name]]
to_add <- data[data[[id_field]] < 0, ]
to_edit <- data[data[[id_field]] >= 0, ]
if (nrow(to_add) == 0) {
return(list(adds = to_add, edits = to_edit))
fake_ids <- to_add[[id_field]]
to_add[[id_field]] <- NULL
DBI::dbWriteTable(con, table_name, to_add, append = TRUE)
to_add[[fake_id_field]] <- fake_ids
to_add[[id_field]] <- rev(DBI::dbGetQuery(con, sprintf(
id_field, table_name, id_field, nrow(to_add)))$id)
list(adds = to_add, edits = to_edit)
# For tables that have a unique id that is not serial, (eg,
# touchstone, touchstone_name, sccnario_description), add the rows
# that don't already exist.
add_non_serial_rows <- function(table_name, transformed_data, con,
id_field = "id") {
if (!table_name %in% names(transformed_data)) {
data <- transformed_data[[table_name]]
# This is... SELECT [id_field] FROM [table_name]
# WHERE [id_field] IN data[[id_field]]
ids_found <- db_get(con, table_name, id_field, data[[id_field]], id_field)$id
# These are the rows that have no matching id in the database.
to_add <- data[!data[[id_field]] %in% ids_found, ]
if (nrow(to_add) > 0) {
DBI::dbWriteTable(con, table_name, to_add, append = TRUE)
data[data[[id_field]] %in% ids_found, ]
`%||%` <- function(a, b) {
if (is.null(a)) b else a
vlapply <- function(X, FUN, ...) {
vapply(X, FUN, logical(1), ...)
check_faulty_serials <- function(con) {
df <- data_frame(sequence =
DBI::dbGetQuery(con, "
FROM information_schema.sequences")$sequence_name)
df$table <- gsub("_id_seq", "", df$sequence)
df <- df[df$table %in% DBI::dbListTables(con), ]
df$maxes <- vapply(df$table, function(x)
as.numeric(DBI::dbGetQuery(con, sprintf("SELECT max(id) FROM %s", x))), 0)
df <- df[!is.na(df$maxes), ]
for (r in seq_len(nrow(df))) {
df$last_value[r] <- tryCatch({
x <- df$sequence[r]
sprintf("SELECT last_value FROM %s", x))$last_value)
df <- df[df$maxes>df$last_value, ]
if (nrow(df) > 0) {
x <- print(df)
stop("Error - db serial numbers were corrupted")
} else {
message("Tested faulty serials - OK!")
get_logger <- function() {
timed <- function(code, msg, ...) {
start <- Sys.time()
lg <- get_logger()
out <- force(code)
elapsed <- Sys.time() - start
lg$info(paste0("[Elapsed: %s] ", msg), human_readable_time(elapsed), ...)
human_readable_time <- function(difftime) {
paste0(format(unclass(difftime), digits = getOption("digits")),
" ", attr(difftime, "units"))
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