Man pages for vincela/VarExp
Computes phenotypic variance explained by a set of genetic and/or interaction effects

calculateContParamsCalculate the mean and variance of a quantitative variable in...
calculateExpoParamsCalculate the mean and the variance of the exposure
calculateVarFracCalculate the fraction of phenotypic variance explained by as...
calculateVarFrac_v2Calculate the fraction of phenotypic variance explained by as...
changeCodingChange the coding of the variant if the reference allele...
COHORTExample of cohort description input file
getAdditivelyCodedMatrixCode additively the genotypes Sum the two columns per...
getGenoCorMatrixCompute the genotype correlation matrix.
getMatCorSVDPerform singular Value Decomposition on the correlation...
get_vcfThis function is from the 'proxysnps' package available at...
GWASExample of GWAS result input file
indThis is data included in the package
preparePhenoTableCheck that the table contains the mandatory columns and keep...
prepareResultTableCheck that the table contains the mandatory columns and keep...
standardizeBetaDerive betas in the standardized model from betas in the...
vincela/VarExp documentation built on May 29, 2019, 12:42 p.m.