Man pages for vincentarelbundock/vincent
Personal functions

ClosestStringFind best fuzzy matches for each element of a vector with...
get_osDetect the current OS
ggplot_add.conditional_theme_vabConditional formatting of axes for facets
NormalizeGradesNormalize grades by 2nd/3rd quartiles
pct2letConvert percentage to letter grade
set_base_themeDefault theme for base R graphics
split_vectorSplit vector into a list of roughly even chunks...
studentizeStudentize a variable
theme_vabDefault theme for ggplot2 graphics
themingSet themes for base R graphics and ggplot2
zero_oneRecode a variable to 0-1 interval
vincentarelbundock/vincent documentation built on June 30, 2022, 1:52 p.m.