dot-quantities: Specific Formulas for Quantities

.quantitiesR Documentation

Specific Formulas for Quantities


Formulas for quantities (such as mean, variance, skewness, EVI, etc.) of select parametric distributions.




An object of class list of length 19.


A list, where each distribution gets a (named) entry, with name given by the suffix of dst_ (such as "norm", "unif", etc.). Each distribution's entry is itself a named list of expressions, where the name is the name of the quantity matching the distionary function name:

  • mean

  • median

  • variance

  • skewness

  • kurtosis_exc

  • range

  • evi

Each expression is allowed to refer to the distribution's parameters by name.


Although R allows us to evaluate distributional representations of certain parametric distributions through functions with p, d, q, and r prefixes (such as pnorm(), dnorm(), etc.), R does not "come with" formulas for quantities such as mean, variance, EVI, etc. Although these quantities can be computed from a distributional representation (such as integrating the quantile function to get the mean), it's often inefficient to rely on such computations. We therefore include formulas here, and check them using testthat.

vincenzocoia/distionary documentation built on Oct. 13, 2024, 12:04 a.m.