dst_parametric: Convert p/d/q/r Representations to a Distribution

View source: R/dst_parametric.R

dst_parametricR Documentation

Convert p/d/q/r Representations to a Distribution


When a distribution has p, d, q, r functions available (such as pnorm(), dnorm(), etc.), dst_parametric() creates a distribution that draws on these four functions.


  .variable = c("unknown", "continuous", "discrete", "mixed"),
  .env = parent.frame()



Name of the distribution. Specifically, a string with the suffix of the p, d, q, r functions (such as "norm").


Name-value pairs of parameters. Names must be found in the parameter names of the p, d, q, r functions.


Type of random variable represented by the distribution. Warning: defaults to "unknown", where density, pmf, and hazard cannot be evaluated.


Environment beginning the search path when looking for the representation, or the name of an environment (or any object that can be coerced to an environment with as.environment().) Defaults to the calling environment.


d <- dst_parametric("norm", mean = 0, sd = 1, .variable = "continuous")
eval_density(d, at = -3:3)
eval_pmf(d, at = -3:3, strict = FALSE)
eval_hazard(d, at = -3:3)

vincenzocoia/distionary documentation built on Oct. 13, 2024, 12:04 a.m.