#' Evaluate Quantiles from a CDF
#' Pulls together all the pieces needed to calculate the left inverse
#' of the CDF. Intended for internal use only. Calls the
#' `encapsulate_p()` function to figure out where to start looking for
#' solutions, then `directional_inverse()` to run the algorithm.
#' @param distribution A distribution having access to a cdf.
#' @param at A vector of values for which to evaluate the quantile function.
#' @param tol,maxiter Tolerance (a small positive number) and maximum number
#' of iterations (at least 1); length 1 vectors.
#' @returns The `at`-quantiles of the distribution. Numeric vector
#' of values between 0 and 1.
#' @noRd
eval_quantile_from_network <- function(
distribution, at, tol = 1e-9, maxiter = 200) {
checkmate::assert_class(distribution, "dst")
checkmate::assert_numeric(at, 0, 1)
checkmate::assert_numeric(tol, 0, len = 1)
checkmate::assert_integerish(maxiter, 1, len = 1)
n <- length(at)
if (n == 0) {
ord <- order(at)
at <- at[ord]
x <- at
i_na <- which(is.na(at))
i_zero <- which(at == 0)
n_zero <- length(i_zero)
i_positive <- which(at > 0 & at <= 1)
n_positive <- length(i_positive)
i_other <- setdiff(seq_len(n), c(i_na, i_zero, i_positive))
x[i_other] <- NaN
if (n_zero > 0) {
r <- encapsulate_p(distribution, p = 0, direction = "right")
if (is.infinite(r[1L])) {
x[i_zero] <- r[1L]
} else {
x[i_zero] <- directional_inverse(
p = 0, low = r[1L], high = r[2L], tol = tol,
maxiter = maxiter, direction = "right"
r <- encapsulate_p(distribution, p = at[i_positive], direction = "left")
low <- rep(r[1L], n)
high <- r[2L]
for (i in i_positive) {
p <- at[i]
if (isTRUE(p == at[i - 1L])) {
x[i] <- low[i + 1L] <- x[i - 1L]
} else {
x[i] <- low[i + 1L] <- directional_inverse(
p = p, low = low[i], high = r[2L], tol = tol,
maxiter = maxiter, direction = "left"
x[ord] <- x
#' Find a range of possible outcomes
#' In order to run the directional inverse algorithm, we need to know
#' approximately where the solution lies. This function
#' finds a range of possible outcomes where the cdf evaluates to values
#' (probabilities) contain the vector `p`, and therefore should come
#' before the inversion algorithm begins.
#' @param p Vector of values between 0 and 1 (inclusive).
#' @param direction One of `"left"` for calculating left-inverse, or
#' `"right"` for calculating right-inverse.
#' @note If 0 or 1 are included in the vector `p`, one of the endpoints might
#' be infinite.
#' @returns A range of values containing the solutions to the left
#' inverse of the CDF at `p`.
#' @noRd
#' @inheritParams eval_quantile_from_network
encapsulate_p <- function(distribution, p, direction) {
if (length(p) == 0) {
return(c(NA, NA))
p_min <- min(p)
p_max <- max(p)
if (direction == "left") {
cdf_gt <- `>=`
cdf_lt <- `<`
survival_gt <- `>`
} else if (direction == "right") {
cdf_gt <- `>`
cdf_lt <- `<=`
survival_gt <- `>=`
} else {
"`direction` must be one of 'left' or 'right'. Received '",
direction, "'."
left <- -1
right <- 1
cdf_p <- eval_cdf(distribution, at = p)
cdf_left <- eval_cdf(distribution, at = left)
while (cdf_gt(cdf_left, p_min)) {
left <- 2 * left
cdf_left <- eval_cdf(distribution, at = left)
if (p_max >= 0.9 && !is.null(distribution$survival)) {
survival_right <- eval_survival(distribution, at = right)
while (survival_gt(survival_right, 1 - p_max)) {
right <- 2 * right
survival_right <- eval_survival(distribution, at = right)
} else {
cdf_right <- eval_cdf(distribution, at = right)
while (cdf_lt(cdf_right, p_max)) {
right <- 2 * right
cdf_right <- eval_cdf(distribution, at = right)
if (p_min > 0 && is.infinite(left)) {
left <- -.Machine$double.xmax
if (p_max < 1 && is.infinite(right)) {
right <- .Machine$double.xmax
c(left, right)
#' Algorithm to Compute a Directional Inverse
#' Calculates the smallest value for which a function `f`
#' evaluates to be greater than or equal to `y` -- that is,
#' the left inverse of `f` at `y`.
#' @param p Single value for which to calculate the left inverse.
#' @param low,high Single numeric values forming a range
#' within which to search for the solution.
#' @param tol,maxiter Tolerance (a small positive number) and maximum number
#' of iterations
#' @details This algorithm works by progressively
#' cutting the specified range in half, moving into the left or right
#' half depending on where the solution is.
#' @returns The left inverse of the CDF evaluated at `p`.
#' @noRd
#' @inheritParams encapsulate_p
directional_inverse <- function(distribution, p, low, high, tol, maxiter,
direction) {
stopifnot(low <= high)
if (is.na(p)) {
if (direction == "left") {
ineq <- `<=`
} else if (direction == "right") {
ineq <- `<`
} else {
"`direction` must be one of 'left' or 'right'. Received '",
direction, "'."
max_tol <- tol
w <- .Machine$double.xmax
i <- 0L
slope <- 1
mid <- (high + low) / 2
while (w > tol && i <= maxiter) {
i <- i + 1L
cdf_low <- eval_cdf(distribution, at = low)
cdf_mid <- eval_cdf(distribution, at = mid)
cdf_high <- eval_cdf(distribution, at = high)
slope_left <- (cdf_mid - cdf_low) / w * 2
slope_right <- (cdf_high - cdf_mid) / w * 2
slope <- max(slope, min(slope_left, slope_right, na.rm = TRUE),
na.rm = TRUE
tol <- min(max_tol / slope, tol, na.rm = TRUE)
if (ineq(p, cdf_mid)) {
high <- mid
} else {
low <- mid
if (low == high) {
w <- high - low
mid <- (high + low) / 2
# cat("w:", w, "tol:", tol, "i:", i, "slope:", slope, "\n")
if (i == maxiter && w > tol) {
"Maximum number of iterations reached before ",
"tolerance was achieved."
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