search_spells: Search Spells for a given pattern

Description Usage Arguments Value


This will search the spell list for both names of the spells proper and the body of the spell text.


search_spells(pattern, names.only = T, quick.return = T)



The character string to search for in both names and and body of the paragraphs. No quotations and no spaces please.


This will return only the names and of the spells where the matches exist. If false, then all the information of the spell is presented.


If the match fits only one spell then the entire info of the spell is returned. This is regardless of the names.only parameter.


Will return a list. The first element is the matching names of spells. If the match is perfect with one name it will return a list of lists for all spell info presented. The second item is the list of names of spells where the match is in the body of the test.

vinny-paris/DnD documentation built on May 3, 2019, 6:13 p.m.