Man pages for vitkl/ParetoTI
R toolbox for Archetypal Analysis and Pareto Task Inference on single cell data

align_arcMatch/align arhetypes
annotate_archetypesAnnotate archetypes with custom labels
arch_distCompute distance to archetypes
dot-archLinesadd a line between all archetypes
find_decreasingFind features that are decreasing functions of distance from...
find_gam_derivFind derivative of smooth curves from gam model fit...
find_set_activity_AUCellFind activity of a gene set using AUCell model (continuos and...
fit_logistic_modelClassify cells with TensorFlow (logistic regression)
fit_pchFind the smallest polytope (Principal Convex Hull) that...
generate_arcGenerate random data within specified archetypes
geo_sketchCreate downsampled representation of the data with Geometric...
helloHello, World!
install_py_pchaInstall python module py_pcha and numpy
map_gene_annotConvert gene identifiers with AnnotationHub
measure_activityAnnotate genes with GO terms and measure their activities
plot_arcPlot data with archetypes in 2D, 3D and a panel of 2D
plot_arch_structFind and plot similarity structure between archetypes
plot_arc_varPlot variance in positions, t-ratios and variance explained...
plot_gamPlot gam model fit for multiple genes and archetypes...
poisson_regressionPoisson regression model to find effects of sample covariates...
predict_vertLogistic regression model to classify vertices
project_to_pcsProject archetypes and data in PCA dimentions
rand_varPermute each column of a matrix by sampling from empirical...
vitkl/ParetoTI documentation built on Feb. 11, 2020, 1:36 a.m.