Man pages for vjcitn/YESCDS
Cancer data science activities for CZI YES for CURE collaboration

brcamutSEa SummarizedExperiment collecting BRCA mutations and colData...
build_deckmake a deck of cards with 52 elements and unicode symbols for...
build_simple_survival_curveutility for survival curve illustration
build_surv_for_mutuse curatedTCGAData to produce survival time structure and...
canada_crudea data.frame with (rounded) crude rates of cancer as...
cancer_map_appuse shiny for a simple cancer map, by type, for US
cancer_map_usasimple function for site-specific map
cancer_map_worldsimple map of cancer rates world wide
compare_tumorscompare multiple tumor times with respect to survival
do_new_survutility for survival curve, alternate shape
facesget faces of a collection of cards
filter_woncangenerate site-specific rate table
full_housetest for full house
get_hcc_spatial_pathretrieve or cache SingleCellExperiment data for spatial...
is_flushtest for flush
MA_cancer_rate_tablesimple tables of confidence intervals for cancer incidence
make_comparisonmake an interactive histogram of rate ratios, or a...
make_histmake an interactive histogram for a given cancer site, based...
make_pairmake interactive beeswarm or box plots for all cancer...
map_appuse shiny to explore aspects of geographic mapping
mass_cancer_mapmap cancer rates for selected sites to MA counties
mass_mapsimple function to display HTML map of MA
metabrica data.frame with clinical features of a breast cancer study...
one_pairtest for one pair
ordered_seg_calbig display of ordered CIs for California Lung and Bronchus...
plot_seer_trendplot the rate statistics over time for selected cancer sites...
plotwcisimple display of confidence intervals for cancer incidence
prostate_met_adenoa data.frame with clinical features of a metastatic prostate...
SEER_2018a data.frame with SEER estimates of cancer incidence for 2018
show_5y_estimateutility for survival curve illustration: 5y survprob estimate...
show_median_estimateutility for survival curve illustration: median estimate...
statcrunch_msageographic information from on metropolitan...
suitsget suits of a collection of cards
table_woncansimplify table view of WONDER CDC statistsics
two_pairstest for two pairs
url_1Rgive URL for responder example
url_6NRgive URL for non-responder example
us_county_geolocations of US counties
us_mapsimple function to display HTML map of US
variation_appsimple app to show different ways of examining variation over...
vjc_cancer_neta table of data of Vince's contacts who developed cancer
woncancancer rate data by metropolitan statistical area, 1999-2018,...
woncan_metametadata on cancer rate data by metropolitan statistical...
woncan_typesgenerate vector of cancer sites in CDC Wonder table
world_cancer_2020_alla table of cancer rate data by country, retrieved from...
world_geo_sfa simple features (sf) instance with boundaries and centroids...
vjcitn/YESCDS documentation built on Aug. 5, 2024, 2:31 a.m.