
HDF Server is a Python-based web service that can be used to send and receive HDF5 data using an HTTP-based REST interface.

Setup the HDF server

Local Installation

Python packages required: NumPy 1.10.4 or later h5py 2.5 or later tornado 4.0.2 or later watchdog 0.8.3 or later * requests 2.3 or later (for client tests)

a.) Install Anaconda

  conda create -n h5serv python=2.7 h5py tornado requests pytz
  activate h5serv
  pip install watchdog

b.) Clone the hdf5-json project:

  git clone
  cd hdf5-json/
  python install

c.) Clone the h5serv project:

 git clone
 cd h5serv/server/

The server would start running. This would be indicated by the output - Starting event loop on port: 5000

AWS Instance

a.) Launch an AWS Instance

b.) Perform the above mentioned steps to install the HDF server in the instance.

c.) Run the server

  cd h5serv/server

The server would start running. This would be indicated by the output - Starting event loop on port: 5000


To verify that the h5serv was installed correctly:

  1. Open a new terminal[for local installation] / Launch the AWS instance again [for installation on AWS instance]

  2. Run Anaconda command prompt

  source activate h5serv
  cd h5serv/test

This would run a number of tests to verify the installation.

Working with the HDF Server on an AWS Instance

Currently, the HDF server has been installed and is running on : AWS Public AMI id: ami-4e77ac58

a.)With this AMI, launch an AWS instance. ( ssh -i /path/to/keyfile.pem ec2-user@publicipoftheinstance )

  source activate h5serv
  cd hdf5-json/h5serv/server/

b.)Launch the instance again in a separate terminal.

  cd scripts

Get data on the server

For example, if we want to get the assays.h5 file (for geuFPKM data) from our local machine onto the server running on an instance:

  scp -i/path/keyfile.pem /path/assays.h5 ec2-user@publicipoftheinstance:/hdf5-json/h5serv/data/

The file placed in the /data folder gets picked up by the server and it generates a domain name. e.g: for the assays.h5 file, domain name :

vjcitn/benchOOM documentation built on April 19, 2021, 11:20 p.m.