
inst_if_needed = function(p, reponame=p) {
 if (!(p %in% rownames(installed.packages()))) {
  if (p == "BiocManager") install.packages("BiocManager")
  BiocManager::install(reponame, ask=FALSE, update=FALSE)

General definition

The wikipedia entry for "machine learning" reads

Machine learning (ML) is the scientific study of algorithms and statistical models that computer systems use to perform a specific task without using explicit instructions, relying on patterns and inference instead. It is seen as a subset of artificial intelligence. Machine learning algorithms build a mathematical model based on sample data, known as "training data", in order to make predictions or decisions without being explicitly programmed to perform the task.

This definition is imprecise in many ways, and the phrase "without being explicitly programmed" is particularly hard to understand. Our perspective on machine learning focuses on the possibility of automating interpretation of data. This is also imprecise, but helps to expose a few key objectives.

First, the primary aim of statistical science is the production of generic, reusable approaches supporting "interpretation of data". This underlies the use of statistical procedures and tests in specific scientific pursuits such as biological experimentation or use of economic and behavioral data in reasoning about public policy. Machine learning methods are applications of methods of statistical science to data interpretation.

Second, one objective of automating data interpretation is increasing throughput of interpretation processes in a cost-effective way. Now that sequencers, microscope imaging tools, and sensors can generate data at very high (and increasing) resolution and volume, manual methods of interpretation based on human perception and reasoning must be supplemented or replaced by mechanized methods. Machine learning methods increase our capacity to perform statistical data interpretation on extremely large volumes of data.

Third, a highly attractive objective of automating data interpretation is elimination of biases, often introduced by human interpreters, that have cultural, attitudinal, or technical origins. Machine learning methods promise to remove hidden biases from the process of data interpretation.

In summary, motivations to study and use methods of machine learning are driven primarily by the aim of producing unbiased statistical analyses of burgeoning data volumes.


It must be kept in mind that there are very significant barriers to achieving aims of useful unbiased interpretation of vast collections of high-dimensional data as are common in genomic data science.

These are a few of the caveats that should be borne in mind when considering how machine learning can be employed in genomic data science.

Basic concepts and examples of machine learning

The following four panel display presents simple machine learning results for modeling the relationship between outcomes in acute lymphocytic leukemia. Briefly, microarray assays on patients with this disease were assembled in the Bioconductor package r Biocpkg("ALL"). Two classes of patients are distinguished: those with a genetic aberration called BCR/ABL fusion, and those without. Expression measurements on two genes, DDR1 and DYRK4, were obtained and plotted in the plane, colored according to the class of the donor. For example, the point (DDR1 $\approx$ 8.55, DYRK4 $\approx$ 5.0) is colored black and corresponds to an individual who is of class "other", and who does not have the BCR/ABL fusion mutation. These displays are based on data from 40 randomly selected patients.

We have labeled the plots with names that may be uninterpretable to you now. For the moment, it is sufficient to view these plots as serving a diagnostic purpose. Given values for DDR1 and DYRK4 from a patient, plot the point corresponding to these values on the panel. If the point is in a green region, declare BCR/ABL fusion to be present; if the point is in an orange region, declare the patient to be free of BCR/ABL fusion. The four panels represent different procedures for coloring the plane using the same dataset.

aln = ALL
rownames(aln) = make.names(mapIds(hgu95av2.db,keys=rownames(aln), column="SYMBOL", keytype="PROBEID"), unique=TRUE)
aln$class = factor(ifelse(aln$mol.biol=="BCR/ABL", "fusion", "other"))
trainInds = sample(1:ncol(aln),40)
set.seed(1234);     rgg <- MLearn(class~., aln[c("DDR1", "DYRK4"),], rpartI, trainInds, minsplit=4)
set.seed(1234);     kgg <- MLearn(class~., aln[c("DDR1", "DYRK4"),], knnI(k=1), trainInds)
set.seed(1234);     ngg <- MLearn(class~., aln[c("DDR1", "DYRK4"),], nnetI, trainInds, 
   size=4, decay=0.01, trace=FALSE)
set.seed(1234);     sgg <- MLearn(class~., aln[c("DDR1", "DYRK4"),], svmI, trainInds)
par(mfrow=c(2,2), mar=c(4,4,2,1))
planarPlot(rgg, aln[c("DDR1", "DYRK4"),], "class")
title("(a) rpart")
trx = exprs(aln)["DDR1",trainInds]
trz = exprs(aln)["DYRK4",trainInds]
trcol = ifelse(aln$class[trainInds]=="fusion", "yellow", "black")
points(trx, trz, col=trcol, pch=16)
legend(8.5,7.1,pch=c(16,16), col=c("yellow", "black"), legend=c("fusion", "other"), bg="transparent")
pal = c("#66C2A5", "#FC8D62", "#8DA0CB", "#E78AC3", "#A6D854", "#FFD92F", "#E5C494", "#B3B3B3")
legend(6.0,5.6,fill=pal[1:2],legend=c("pred. fusion", "pred. other"), bg="transparent")
planarPlot(kgg, aln[c("DDR1", "DYRK4"),], "class")
points(trx, trz, col=trcol, pch=16)
title("(b) 1-nn")
planarPlot(ngg, aln[c("DDR1", "DYRK4"),], "class")
points(trx, trz, col=trcol, pch=16)
title("(c) nnet, size=4, decay=.01")
planarPlot(sgg, aln[c("DDR1", "DYRK4"),], "class")
points(trx, trz, col=trcol, pch=16)
title("(d) svm")

Each plot presents the same configuration of yellow and black data points, but the coloring of the background varies from plot to plot. Each (x,y) point in the plane is colored peach if the learning method predicts that individuals with x as their DDR1 expression value, and y as their DYRK4 value, are of the "other class". The point (x,y) is colored light green if the individual with expression values (x=DDR1, y=DYRK4) has the BCR/ABL fusion. Thus, even though no data points are available at (x,y) = (9.0, 5.0), all the procedures predict that individuals with that expression configuration are BCR/ABL fusion-free.

Exercises on comparing two-class, two-feature prediction applications

  1. Which plot in Figure 1 exhibits the smallest number of training sample misclassification? a b c d
  2. Which statement is true? Based on the training data:
  3. i) prediction regions for neural network and support vector machine have different geometric structures but perform identically with respect to misclassification
  4. ii) the 1-nn procedure misclassifies a single "other" event
  5. iii) the neural network and support vector machine procedures produced equal numbers of misclassifications of patients presenting with BCR/ABL fusion
  6. iv) the neural network and support vector machine procedures produced equal numbers of misclassifications of patients presenting without BCR/ABL fusion
  7. True or false: All procedures agree that a patient presenting with DDR1 = 7.7 and DYRK4 = 6.0 should be classified as positive for BCR/ABL fusion.

Dimension reduction and feature engineering

For concreteness, our examples deal with bivariate features (DDR1, DYRK4). Machine learning techniques have arisen for the purpose of dealing with many thousands of features measured on every sample. Dimension reduction addresses the fact that the features themselves, measured in their own idiosyncratic scales, may be transformed and combined to help extract information of greater interest.

We can use methods of matrix algebra to define some of the key approaches to dimension reduction and feature engineering of interest in genomic data science. We use expression measures on $p$ genes, obtained for $N$ individuals, to form the columns of a matrix $X$. The singular value decomposition of a rank $p$ matrix $X$ with real-valued entries is the factorization $X = UDV^t$, where $U$ is $N \times p$ orthonormal, $D$ is diagonal $p \times p$ with positive diagonal elements, with $D_{ii}$ the vector of eigenvalues, and $V$ is orthonormal $p \times p$. The factors are organized so that the entries of $D$ are in increasing magnitude. The columns of $UD$ are called the principal components (PCs) of $X$. They are uncorrelated, and the first principal component (PC1) is the linear combination of columns of $X$ possessing maximum variance among all possible linear combinations. The second PC is the linear combination of columns of $X$ possessing maximum variance among all those linear combinations uncorrelated with PC1. Further PCs are obtained similarly.

For concreteness, we consider $p=5$ genes from the ALL data. First we present pairwise scatterplots.

inter = c("SRGN", "CD63", "NAMPT", "CSTA", "ZYX")
myd = exprs(aln[inter,])
pc = prcomp(myd)

Clearly there are correlations between expression measures on several genes. A principal components reduction of the multivariate expression patterns to two dimensions is shown in the next display, which is called a biplot. The red arrows show how individual features contribute to the positioning of samples in the PC plane. Arrows for genes that point in the same or approximately same direction indicate that the genes have positively correlated expression values; arrows pointing in opposite directions correspond to negatively correlated genes.

biplot(pc, xlabs=ifelse(aln$class=="fusion", "+", "-"), cex=c(1,.6), expand=.9, choices=1:2)
legend(5,17,pch=c("+", "-"), legend=c("fusion", "other"))

It is reasonable to say that we've used the data to "engineer" new features from the measured features by a) selecting features of interest, b) using a feature combination procedure (PCA), and c) presenting a selection of the new features (PC1 and PC2; there are in this example 5 PCs to choose from).

Important applications of feature engineering related to principal component analysis include creation of vectors used to correct for population stratification in genome-wide association studies, and identification of batch effects in various types of genome-wide molecular assay.

Exercises on correlation and dimension reduction for multivariate data

  1. Run the following code
inst_if_needed = function(p, reponame=p) {
 if (!(p %in% rownames(installed.packages()))) {
  if (p == "BiocManager") install.packages("BiocManager")
  BiocManager::install(reponame, ask=FALSE)
inst_if_needed("edxAdvBioc", "vjcitn/edx_adv_bioc")
rownames(ALL) = make.names(mapIds(hgu95av2.db,keys=rownames(ALL), 
   column="SYMBOL", keytype="PROBEID"), unique=TRUE)

We compute the correlation between two genes, say SRGN and ZYX, in the ALL dataset via

an = as.numeric
cor(an(exprs(ALL["SRGN",])), an(exprs(ALL["ZYX",])))

Over all available patients, what is the correlation between CD63 and ZYX?

  1. Run the following code.
isFus = which(ALL$mol.biol == "BCR/ABL")
cor(an(exprs(ALL["SRGN",isFus])), an(exprs(ALL["ZYX",isFus])))

What is the value of the correlation coefficient relating SRGN expression to ZYX expression in patients lacking the fusion mutation?

  1. To obtain a correlation matrix, use
cor(t(exprs(ALL[c("SRGN", "ZYX", "CD63"),])))

Compare correlation matrices obtained for patients with BCR/ABL fusion to those obtained for patients without the fusion. Which pair of genes exhibits the greatest difference?

  1. We can use r Biocpkg("KEGGREST") to obtain information related to ALL. KEGG stands for the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes, and KEGGREST provides functions that interrogate the encyclopedia. We will find the code for one subtype of ALL, will then find a code for a leukemia-related pathway, and then obtain a set of genes annotated to the pathway.
keggFind("disease", "leukemia")[1]  # there are several hits
keggGet("ds:H00001")[[1]]$PATHWAY  # the pathway id
names(keggGet("hsa05202")[[1]])    # all fields for pathway
keggGet("hsa05202")[[1]]$GENE[1:8] # a sample of GENE records

Perusal of the gene list for this pathway leads to the following extract and displays of ALL-relevant gene expression patterns.

rownames(ALL) = make.names(mapIds(hgu95av2.db,keys=rownames(ALL), 
   column="SYMBOL", keytype="PROBEID"), unique=TRUE)
#   xlabs=ifelse(ALL$mol.biol=="BCR/ABL", "+", "-"), cex=c(1,.6))
emat = t(exprs(ALL[c("RUNX1", "CSF1R", "MPO", "CSF2", 
   "IL3", "RUNX1T1", "BCR", "ABL1"),]))

Which statement is consistent with the pair of biplots shown here?

isFus = which(ALL$mol.biol == "BCR/ABL")
   xlabs=ifelse(ALL[,-isFus]$mol.biol=="BCR/ABL", "+", "-"), cex=c(1,.6), expand=.9)
title("Fusion negative")
   xlabs=ifelse(ALL[,isFus]$mol.biol=="BCR/ABL", "+", "-"), cex=c(1,.6))
title("Fusion positive")

Concepts of generalization error and sample splitting

The process that leads to coloring the planes in Figure 1 an illustration of generalization in machine learning. Specifically, even though our data there consisted of 40 pairs of measurements on DDR1 and DYRK4, we colored every point in the plane ${(x,y)| 6.0 \leq x \leq 9.2 ~ \& ~ 4.9 \leq y \leq 7.2}$, and, in fact, we can produce predictions far outside this limited set. The generalization consists in the assertion that any ALL patient with DDR1 value $x$ and DYRK4 value $y$ is predicted to have fusion or not depending on the color of the subregion of the plane at $(x,y)$.

An important goal of machine learning is reduction in the rate of generalization errors, which occur when the class that we assign differs from the actual class of the contributing patient. We can estimate the generalization rate by using test data not used in the construction of the model underlying the learner. Much of the success of modern machine-learning based AI is due to the availability of substantial quantities of data that are representative of data to be encountered in applications. Learning procedures are iteratively tuned to improve generalization performance.

Two concepts of sample-splitting are relevant to understanding how accuracies of machine learning procedures are estimated.

We will now look at a number of machine learning procedures in greater detail.

Linear discriminant analysis

Our data on gene expression can be formalized as follows. The patients with the fusion mutation form a class with mean expression vector $\mu_1$ and covariance matrix $\Sigma_1$. The patients without the mutation form the class with mean $\mu_2$ and covariance matrix $\Sigma_2$. We want to use the available expression data to produce predictions for new patients that are accurate. In 1938 Fisher proposed a procedure based on the quantity $w = (\Sigma_1 + \Sigma_2)^{-1}(\mu_2 - \mu_1)$, which can be shown to maximize the ratio of the between-class variation to the within-class variation. $w$ is a vector perpendicular to a plane that optimally separates the classes, and this plane is used to form prediction regions. Justifications and extensions of this procedure are available in the wikipedia entry.

For the two-class problem it is easy to use linear regression to produce the linear discriminant. Classes are coded -1/1 and this coding is used as the response. In exercises we will work through this procedure for coloring the plane as we do in Figure 1 for other procedures.

rpart: recursive partitioning

Recursive partitioning (also known as "CART", for classification and regression trees) is a machine learning procedure with a long history. Details about the algorithm are given in a very useful vignette. Briefly, we are given the values $x_i$ of set of $p$ variables measured on individual $i$, $i = 1, \ldots, N$, and a class label $c_i$ for each individual.

From the package vignette by Therneau and Atkinson, we have the following characterization of the algorithm for creating trees. "The tree is built by the following process: first the single variable is found which best splits the data into two groups.... The data is separated, and then this process is applied separately to each sub-group, and so on recursively until the subgroups either reach a minimum size (5 for this data) or until no improvement can be made."

The tree leading to Figure 1(a) is


We read this plot by "going left" when the condition at a branch point is met. We can use this rule to understand the left-most leaf of the tree (fusion) and the light green-colored region at the top center of the rpart panel. We start at the top with DDR1 $\geq$ 7.287, move left and find a new branch wit DDR $<$ 7.987. Continuing to the left, we are now in the interval 7.287 $<$ DDR $<$ 7.287, and if we continue to the left and assert DYRK $\geq$ 6.461, we move to the left and end at 'fusion'.

A report on the trained tree is


A significant generalization of recursive partitioning is the random forests algorithm, which computes large numbers of trees using randomly selected subsets of the data and randomly selected subsets of features to use. The resampling process reduces the risk of tailoring the predictions too finely to the data at hand.

k-nearest neighbors

$k$-nearest neighbors is well described in the associated wikipedia entry. We note the geometrically complex boundary of the prediction regions in Figure 1(b).

Feed-forward neural network

Figure 3 gives a view of the model underlying Figure 1(c). We specified that there are four "hidden units". A "bias weight" is estimated for each of those, and for the prediction unit. Weights are also assigned to the inputs.

inst_if_needed("edxAdvBioc", "vjcitn/edx_adv_bioc")
library(edxAdvBioc) # does not match repo name but OK

The numerical values of the weights are given in the summary report for nnet:


Modern neural network methods permit more complicated network architectures and use stronger methods of optimization to choose weights that minimize training errors and have good generalization properties.

Support vector machines

Figure 1(d) illustrates a situation where representatives of one class live "in the middle" of the feature space, qualitatively surrounded by members of the other class. This is a situation in which projection of the data into a higher dimensional space can help define a hyperplane that separates the classes. An illustration of this process from the Wikipedia entry for the Kernel method gives the basic idea.

In two dimensions, there is no linear function that will separate the red from blue points. But in the transformation from $(x,y)$ to $(x,y,x^2+y^2)$, the red points are pushed to larger values in the third (vertical) dimension. A separating hyperplane can then be found using linear discriminant analysis with the three variables. A distinctive feature of support vector machine algorithms is their emphasis on choosing the separating hyperplane that produces the largest gap (also called margin) between classes.

Exercises on linear discriminant analysis (LDA)

We'll use a balanced subset of the ALL data here.

kpf = c(39L, 10L, 83L, 23L, 30L, 20L, 51L, 22L, 35L, 11L, 78L, 87L, 
15L, 43L, 94L, 77L, 32L, 58L, 19L, 85L)
kpn = c(108L, 55L, 37L, 52L, 119L, 113L, 124L, 123L, 106L, 12L, 122L, 
82L, 24L, 28L, 116L, 89L, 84L, 46L, 90L, 114L)
ALL.l = ALL[, sort(c(kpf,kpn))]
ALL.l$class = ifelse(ALL.l$mol.biol == "BCR/ABL", "fusion", "other")

There are direct implementations of LDA but for the two class problem with equal class numbers it is easy to produce the standard linear discriminant using linear regression.

Here are the class labels.

ncl = ifelse(ALL.l$class == "fusion", 1, -1) 

Now we set up a data.frame with the expression data, and a fine grid nd to color the plane with our predictions.

dd = data.frame(ddr1=as.numeric(exprs(ALL.l["DDR1",])), 
  dyrk4=as.numeric(exprs(ALL.l["DYRK4",])), ncl=ncl)
nd = expand.grid(i=1, ddr1=seq(6,9.1,.01),  # for plotting
  dyrk4=seq(4.9, 7.2,.01))

The fitted regression:

litm = lm(ncl~., data=dd)

The model we've fit has the form $$L = a + bx + cy + e$$ where $L$ is our class label coded to $(-1,1)$, $x$ is our DDR1 measure, $y$ is our DYRK4 measure, and $e$ is our mean zero residual. The linear discriminant is the line in the $(x,y)$ plane where the fitted value of $L$ changes sign.

Here is the display of the data in the plane colored according to the LDA predictions, using the condition prs>0 below.

prs = predict(litm, nd)
plot(dyrk4~ddr1, data=nd, col=c("#66C2A5", "#FC8D62")[factor(prs>0)], pch=19)
points(dd$ddr1, dd$dyrk4, col=factor(ncl), pch=19)
  1. Our regression gives estimates for $(a, b, c)$ in the equation for $L$ above, and we will use $$0 = -5.6102 + 0.7868\cdot\mbox{DDR1} -0.0372\cdot\mbox{DYRK4}$$ as our definition of where the fitted value of $L$ changes sign. If we rewrite this equation so that it has the form $\mbox{DYRK4} = m\cdot \mbox{DDR1} + s$, what is the value of $m$?
  2. What is the value of $s$?
  3. It is fairly easy to see that the green region could be extended by tilting the boundary a little to "rescue" two black points, and thus reduce the overall number of misclassifications. Add the line $y = -54.75 + 8.11 x$ to the display just computed to demonstrate this.
    What function should be used to add the line?

Conclude that LDA does not necessarily find a linear boundary to minimize misclassification errors. The actual objective of LDA is to find the equation of a plane that is perpendicular to the vector along which the distance between the means of the two groups is maximized, taking into account the variation within these groups.

Exercises on estimating generalization error

To reduce the amount of code we need to write, we use some functions from the r Biocpkg("MLInterfaces") package without going into details.

The tree that we worked with in Figures 1 and 5 was computed on a training set of 40 observations as follows.

trainInds = c(13L, 117L, 72L, 79L, 17L, 71L, 96L, 47L, 60L, 57L, 67L, 78L, 
50L, 113L, 87L, 29L, 27L, 1L, 107L, 14L, 120L, 30L, 76L, 62L, 
105L, 21L, 39L, 25L, 61L, 49L, 69L, 75L, 58L, 48L, 42L, 109L, 
95L, 59L, 98L, 3L)
ALL$class = ifelse(ALL$mol.biol == "BCR/ABL", "fusion", "other")
rgg <- MLearn(class~., ALL[c("DDR1", "DYRK4"),], rpartI, trainInds, minsplit=4)

We compute the confusion matrix for the 88 left-out samples. This is just the cross-tabulation of the predicted class against the known class.



  1. What is the test-set misclassification rate estimate?
  2. We introduce a new set of features to try.
newg = c("RUNX1", "CSF1R", "MPO", "CSF2", "IL3", "RUNX1T1", "BCR", "ABL1")
rgg2 <- MLearn(class~., ALL[newg,], rpartI, trainInds, minsplit=4)

What is the new misclassification rate estimate?

  1. Let's reduce the depth of the tree by increasing the minsplit parameter.
rgg3 <- MLearn(class~., ALL[newg,], rpartI, trainInds, minsplit=5)
rgg4 <- MLearn(class~., ALL[newg,], rpartI, trainInds, minsplit=7)

We see that the test-set based misclassification rate decreases as we simplify the tree. But for a different choice of training/test split, we might not see such a nice sequence.

Let's do some programming to produce a cross-validated estimate of the misclassification rate for the two settings of minsplit. We'll do five-fold cross validation, training on 4/5 of the data and testing on the remaining fifth. This can be done five times. The splits will be formed using chunks of a random permutation of indices.

inst_if_needed("BBmisc") # for chunk
basic = sample(1:128, size=128) # permute the simple indices
ch = chunk(basic, n.chunks=5)   # chop into five groups
confus_5 = vector("list", 5)    # prepare for confusion matrices
confus_7 = vector("list", 5)
for (i in 1:5) {
 trainInds = setdiff(basic, ch[[i]])
 confus_5[[i]] = confuMat(MLearn(class~., ALL[newg,], rpartI, trainInds, minsplit=5))
 confus_7[[i]] = confuMat(MLearn(class~., ALL[newg,], rpartI, trainInds, minsplit=7))
mcr = function(x) 1-(sum(diag(x))/sum(x))
mcr.5 = mean(sapply(confus_5, mcr))

What is the average misclassification rate for the procedure with minsplit set to 7?

  1. Repeat the cross-validation loop substituting nnetI for rpartI, and comparing rates for networks of sizes 4 and 3, with decay parameter set to 0.01 for both sizes. Your code should look like
confus_4 = vector("list", 5)    # prepare for confusion matrices
confus_3 = vector("list", 5)
set.seed(1234) # because nnet may have a random start
for (i in 1:5) {
 trainInds = setdiff(basic, ch[[i]])
 confus_4[[i]] = confuMat(MLearn(class~., ALL[newg,], nnetI, trainInds, size=4, decay=.01, maxit=1000))
 confus_3[[i]] = confuMat(MLearn(class~., ALL[newg,], nnetI, trainInds, size=3, decay=.01, maxit=1000))
mean(sapply(confus_4, mcr))
mean(sapply(confus_3, mcr))

Are the results better for the smaller model?

mlr3 applied to Golub's 1999 leukemia study

Our objective here is to use a machine learning framework for R with gene expression data assembled in leukemia studies. We'll start with some older microarray data and check whether the findings are compatible with analyses using more recent RNA-seq studies.

The source is

Molecular Classification of Cancer: Class Discovery and Class
     Prediction by Gene Expression Monitoring, Science, 531-537, 1999,
     T. R. Golub and D. K. Slonim and P. Tamayo and C. Huard and M.
     Gaasenbeek and J. P. Mesirov and H. Coller and M.L. Loh and J. R.
     Downing and M. A. Caligiuri and C. D. Bloomfield and E. S. Lander

Transform Expression Data to data.frame

Bioconductor's golubEsets package provides ExpressionSet instances of the training and test data from this paper.

Here we obtain the training data and convert to SummarizedExperiment format.

goltr = as(Golub_Train, "SummarizedExperiment")

The expression measures were recorded as integers and we convert them to double precision here, as most statistical procedures will assume this representation.

tmp = assay(goltr)
tmp[] = as.double(tmp[])
assay(goltr) = tmp

We will use the expression data to predict the form of leukemia. AML is used to denote acute myelogenous leukemia, ALL is for acute lymphocytic leukemia.


Now, to simplify use of the mlr3 package, we convert the assay data to a data.frame. (In general we do not want to do this, and later on we will indicate how we can retain the SummarizedExperiment structure for use in mlr3-based learning pipelines.)

We'll add "Class" at the final column to hold our class variable.

goltrdf = data.frame(t(assay(goltr)), Class=goltr$ALL.AML)

Use mlr3 structures

mlr3 is really an ecosystem of packages devoted to modernizing machine learning in R. Users

Task setup

First we set up the 'task' of predicting ALL vs AML with all the features.

t1 = TaskClassif$new("myl1", goltrdf, "Class")

This has all available features. We will introduce a filtering step to reduce the feature set, just below.

Set up a test task

We will also create a task that can be used to assess results of learning, based on data left out of the training process.

golte = as(Golub_Test, "SummarizedExperiment")
tmp = assay(golte)
tmp[] = as.double(tmp[])
assay(golte) = tmp
goltedf = data.frame(t(assay(golte)), Class=golte$ALL.AML)
t2 = TaskClassif$new("myt1", goltedf, "Class")

Filtering features using variation across samples

A very simple approach to ordering features with respect to utility for prediction ranks them according to variation across samples. The idea is that a feature showing no variation would be completely useless. A caveat is that variation due to the presence of data errors and outliers should not be highly valued, but could be under this simple rubric. More subtle approaches are available and will be explored in exercises.

We'll retain the top 500 features in this variance-based ranking.

NFEAT = 500 
filter = flt("variance")
filter$calculate(t1, nfeat=NFEAT)
kp =$feature[1:NFEAT]

Select the random forests learner

The options for learners can be seen with mlr_learners:


Here we define the task using the filtered features in the training set. We'll then use classif.ranger to train a random forests learner. We'll ask that variable importance be recorded, using the 'impurity' metric.

t1f = TaskClassif$new("myrf", goltrdf[, c(kp, "Class")], "Class")
l1 = lrn("classif.ranger", importance="impurity")
set.seed(1234) # for random forests

The confusion matrix for prediction on the 'left out' data is:

ll = l1$predict(t2)
aa =
table(aa[,2], aa[,3])

Note the out-of-bag estimate of accuracy, which is based on the training data. Because the random forest learner does internal training with resampling, we could legitimately use Golub_Merge for our analysis and will do so in exercises.

Retrieving and assessing a 'signature' from the variable importance measures

The probe IDs for the top 20 genes as recorded in the random forests application are:

library(ranger) # for importance()
top20 = names(tail(sort(ranger::importance(l1$model)),20))

There's a little glitch in the name processing.

top20 = gsub("\\.", "-", top20)
all(top20 %in% keys(hu6800.db))

We can decode these to gene symbols as follows:

signat = mapIds(hu6800.db, keys=top20, column="SYMBOL", keytype="PROBEID")

We'll use the merged data. First we check the pairwise scatterplot for four genes.

mat = exprs(Golub_Merge[top20,])
rownames(mat) = signat
class = Golub_Merge$ALL.AML
pairs(t(mat[17:20,]), col=factor(class))

Now we use PCA and biplots to look for structure.

pp = prcomp(t(mat), scale=TRUE)
plot(pp$x[,1:2], col=factor(class))
plot(pp$x[,2:3], col=factor(class))
legend(2,-2,col=1:2,legend=levels(factor(class)), pch=c(1,1))
biplot(pp, 2:3)

The points are projections of the expression data for individuals into principal components space -- on the left, PC2 is plotted against PC1, and on the right, PC3 is plotted against PC3. The right hand plot suggests that expression variation in samples may be structured with three Could this be suggestive of AML subtypes? Let's explore in TCGA.

Working with TCGA LAML data

Data acquisition for one assay on one tumor type

curatedTCGAData uses ExperimentHub to simplify repeated usage of TCGA data.

laml = curatedTCGAData("LAML", "RNASeq2GeneNorm",

This data structure is convenient for grouping multiple assays. We can simplify to a single SummarizedExperiment as we are focusing on expression.

e1 = experiments(laml)[[1]]
colData(e1) = colData(laml)

Subsetting to genes of interest; PCA and biplot

We'll use our microarray-derived signature to extract r length(intersect(signat, rownames(e1))) genes for exploration.

comm = intersect(signat, rownames(e1))
rr = assay(e1[comm,])
ppseq = prcomp(t(rr), scale=TRUE)

We see some indication of a subgroup defined by higher expression of ELANE, and another defined by higher expression of CTSD.

Survival analysis

The survival data are not in great shape. We'll have to subset to individuals with putatively interpretable information.

e1s = e1[,!$vital_status)|e1$days_to_death>0]
obstime = apply(cbind(e1$days_to_death, e1$days_to_last_followup),1,function(x)max(x, na.rm=TRUE))
obstime[!is.finite(obstime)] = NA
sf = survfit(Surv(obstime, e1s$vital_status)~I(as.numeric(assay(e1s["ELANE",]))>1280))
plot(sf, lty=1:2)
cc = coxph(Surv(obstime, e1s$vital_status)~I(as.numeric(assay(e1s["ELANE",]))>1280))

Simplifying translation from SE to mlr3

inst_if_needed("edxAdvBioc", "vjcitn/edx_adv_bioc")
fall_golub = se_to_filtered_task(taskid='f1', se=goltr, "ALL.AML")
fall_tcga = se_to_filtered_task(taskid='f2', se=e1, tmaker=mlr3cluster::TaskClust)

vjcitn/edx_adv_bioc documentation built on March 17, 2020, 3:58 p.m.