z = function() {
#nstud = length(ls(n1$studenv))
#nexp = length(ls(n1$expenv))
#hh = htxcomp::loadHtxcomp()
#ui = fluidPage(
# sidebarLayout(
# sidebarPanel(
# helpText(h2("htxcomp study harvester")),
# helpText(sprintf("%d experiments from %d studies", nexp, nstud)),
# helpText("Sample-level data is derived from a March 2019 snapshot of all human transcriptomic studies with
#metadata available through SRAdbV2."),
# helpText("Field sets and field names vary across studies and even within studies. Field sets
#were lightly harmonized using the sampleAttr function of htxcomp."),
# helpText("Use the search field to query the metadata snapshot for studies of interest.
#Type the study identifier in the 'add to cart' field and press return to save the study for
# selectInput("a", "Search all sample.attribute fields", choices=c(ls(n1$kwexenv)),
# selected=ls(n1$kwexenv)[1], multiple=FALSE),
# selectInput("cart", "add to cart", choices=ls(n1$studenv),
# selected=ls(n1$studenv)[1], multiple=TRUE),
# actionButton("btnSend", "get SummarizedExperiment")
# ),
# mainPanel(
## verbatimTextOutput("b"),
# dataTableOutput("b"),
# helpText("studies"),
# verbatimTextOutput("c"),
## helpText("expts"),
## verbatimTextOutput("d")
# dataTableOutput("e")
# )
# )
# )
#server = function(input, output) {
# output$b = renderDataTable(data.frame(st=input$cart, title=studyTitles[input$cart], stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
# output$c = renderPrint(unique(get(input$a, env=n1$kwstenv)))
## output$d = renderPrint(unique(get(input$a, env=n1$kwexenv)))
# output$e = renderDataTable( {
# targs = mget(input$a, env=n1$kwstenv)
# if (length(targs[[1]])>1) message("keyword hits studies ", paste(unlist(targs), collapse=", "), "; using first")
# targ = targs[[1]][1]
# z = read.csv(paste0(targ,".csv"), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
# z })
# observe({
# if(input$btnSend > 0)
# isolate({
# stopApp(returnValue=hh[,which(hh$study_accession %in% input$cart)])
# })
# })
#runApp(list(ui=ui, server=server))
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.