Man pages for vjcitn/ldblock
data structures for linkage disequilibrium measures in populations

downloadPopByChrdownload hapmap resource with LD estimates
expandSnpSetGiven a set of SNP identifiers, use LD to expand the set to...
hmldimport hapmap LD data and create a structure for its...
ldByGeneObtain LD statistics in region specified by a gene model.
ldmatuse LDmat API from NCI LDlink service
ldmat-ldstruct-methodaccessor for matrix component
ldstruct-classClass '"ldstruct"'
s3_1kgCreate a URL referencing 1000 genomes content in AWS S3.
stack1kgcouple together a group of VCFs
vjcitn/ldblock documentation built on Aug. 21, 2019, 8:50 p.m.