Man pages for vjcitn/ogttMetrics
various metrics for oral glucose tolerance tests

addAssayadd a matrix-valued assay to a MultiAssayExperiment instance
addHOMAupdate an ogttCohort with HOMA as defined in...
addMatsuda120Compute Matsuda's index (120 minute form) for all samples
addMinmodSIsupdate an ogttCohort with insulin sensitivity by minimal...
addQUICKIupdate an ogttCohort with QUICKI as defined in...
concatcombine selected elements of a group of MultiAssayExperiments
csvImportsupport for importing separate CSV with fat format: one...
dumpOcan ad hoc tool for preparing individual files for analysis in...
fig3plotplot analog of OMNICarb paper figure 3
fig3testsgenerate statistics for analog of OMNICarb paper figure 3
fitOneMinModfit the dalla Man version of the Bergman minimal model...
getMinmodSIsObtain SI from fits for all participants in an OGTT...
minmodByIDFit minimal model for a single subject
mvOutliersget multivariate outlier indices separately for glucose and...
obaSampobaSamp: S4 container for baseline OGTT and related data
ogttCohortan extension of MultiAssayExperiment including timing...
omnicBase_sampomniccg_samp: S4 container sample of tests at baseline
omnicCG_sampomnicCg_samp: S4 container sample of tests with diet Cg
plot2crude visualization developed prior to plot_OGTT_fit
plot_OGTT_fitproduce a 4-panel plot of aspects of the OGTT minimal model...
QCplotssimple quality assessments for OGTT series in a cohort
SIexplorerinteractive multipanel visualization for ogttCohort instance
SItestsSItests: cached set of pairwise contrasts for minimal...
xoverSampxoverSamp: S4 container multiple diet data sample
vjcitn/ogttMetrics documentation built on May 3, 2019, 6:14 p.m.