Man pages for vjcitn/sars2app
COVID-19 data resources and analysis tools cut down for an interactive app

a3alpha3 codes for countries
Arima_by_countycounty-level model
Arima_by_stateUse Rob Hyndman's forecast package to estimate drift in ARIMA...
Arima_contig_statesfull incidence for contiguous states
Arima_drop_statefit ARIMA model to US data dropping one state
Arima_drop_statesmultistate exclusion prior to ARIMA
Arima_nationUse Rob Hyndman's forecast package to estimate drift in ARIMA...
contig_states_dcprovide vector of contiguous US state names and DC
contig_states_twoletprovide vector of contiguous US state names and DC, abbr
country_metadataGet basic country data
cumulative_events_ejhuconstructor for covid_events
cumulative_events_nyt_countycreate cumulative_events instance for county in state data...
cumulative_events_nyt_statecreate cumulative_events instance for state data from NYT
descartes_mobility_dataGet US daily mobility data from Descartes Labs
dot-munge_data_from_jhusimple function to munge JHU data into long-form tibble
dot-munge_us_data_from_jhusimple function to munge JHU US counties data into long-form...
dot-remove_df_columnsutility function to remove columns that contain 'data.frame'...
enriched_jhu_dataGet enriched jhu dataset enriched with country-level metadata
est_Rtproduce an MCMC-based EpiEstim Rt estimate on the 29-day...
event_taggeneralize type of event modeled
form_incident_eventstransform cumulative data to daily incidence
grid_2da two-dimensional grid of integers
integer_to_fipsconvert an integer to fips
jhu_dataGlobal COVID-19 data from JHU CSSEGIS
jhu_data_to_excelCreate +/- write excel format of enriched JHU global data
jhu_us_dataUS counties COVID-19 data from JHU CSSEGIS
min_bicminimize BIC for ARIMA models with default differencing order...
min_bic_2020_05_20a nationwide collection of best state-specific AR/MA model...
min_bic_2020_06_12a nationwide collection of best state-specific AR/MA model...
min_bic_2020_06_30a nationwide collection of best state-specific AR/MA model...
min_bic_2020_07_06a nationwide collection of best state-specific AR/MA model...
min_bic_2020_10_21a nationwide collection of best state-specific AR/MA model...
min_bic_2020_11_22a nationwide collection of best state-specific AR/MA model...
min_bic_2020_11_25a nationwide collection of best state-specific AR/MA model...
min_bic_2020_12_28a nationwide collection of best state-specific AR/MA model...
min_bic_2021_01_01a nationwide collection of best state-specific AR/MA model...
min_bic_2021_03_21a nationwide collection of best state-specific AR/MA model...
min_bic_2021_12_05a nationwide collection of best state-specific AR/MA model...
min_bic_2022_01_01a nationwide collection of best state-specific AR/MA model...
min_bic_all_statesorganize search over contiguous states for optimal statewise...
nytimes_county_dataUnited States county and state level data from the New York...
plot.covid_eventsplot for covid_events
plot_syncdisplay synchronized death and confirmed case series
plot_sync_mobillustrate joint behavior of mobility data and COVID-19...
print.bic_seqreport for optimal AR/MA search using BIC
print.covid_eventsprint for a covid_events instance
resyncshift the death records in dfr 'shift' days into the past
run_eebasic support, formerly completely hidden in inst, uses...
run_metaobtain input to rmeta meta.summaries, metaplot
run_meta_countycounty within state metaanalysis of incidence velocity
s2p_get_cacheget the BiocFileCache for sars2pack
si_cens_Gan EpiEstim-based, MCMC-derived SI sample, with Gamma basis
syncappshiny app for appraisal of synchronization of death incidence...
trim_betweentrim part of series, generic
trim_between.covid_eventsfocus on segment of series delimited by two dates
trim_fromtrim early part of series, generic
trim_from.covid_eventstrim early part of series
tsappshiny app for appraisal of simple time-series models for...
usa_facts_dataUnited States state and county level data from USAFacts
vjcitn/sars2app documentation built on Jan. 3, 2022, 12:19 a.m.