R API client for 'firecloud/Terra'

Note -- openapi-generator-cli generate --skip-validate-spec -i api-docs.yaml -g r -o /tmp/test/ was used to generate R client.

Note -- some triple ''' in generated R code had to be changed to ' for the code to parse.

FireCloud API


This API client was generated by the OpenAPI Generator project. By using the OpenAPI spec from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.



Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to base path

Class | Method | HTTP request | Description ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- BillingApi | AddUserToBillingProject | PUT /api/billing/{projectId}/{workbenchRole}/{email} | add user to billing project the caller owns BillingApi | CreateBillingProjectFull | POST /api/billing | create billing project in FireCloud and google BillingApi | DeleteBillingProject | DELETE /api/user/billing/{projectName} | delete billing project BillingApi | ListBillingProjectMembers | GET /api/billing/{projectId}/members | list members of billing project the caller owns BillingApi | RemoveUserFromBillingProject | DELETE /api/billing/{projectId}/{workbenchRole}/{email} | remove user from billing project the caller owns BillingV2Api | AddUserToBillingProject | PUT /api/billing/v2/{projectId}/members/{workbenchRole}/{email} | add user or group to billing project the caller owns BillingV2Api | CreateBillingProjectFullV2 | POST /api/billing/v2 | create billing project in rawls BillingV2Api | DeleteBillingProject | DELETE /api/billing/v2/{projectId} | delete billing project BillingV2Api | GetBillingProject | GET /api/billing/v2/{projectId} | get billing project BillingV2Api | ListBillingProjectMembers | GET /api/billing/v2/{projectId}/members | list members of billing project the caller owns BillingV2Api | RemoveUserFromBillingProject | DELETE /api/billing/v2/{projectId}/members/{workbenchRole}/{email} | remove user or group from billing project the caller owns CromIAMEngineForJobManagerApi | EngineVersionStatusGet | GET /engine/{version}/status | Returns the current health status of any monitored subsystems CromIAMEngineForJobManagerApi | EngineVersionVersionGet | GET /engine/{version}/version | Returns the version of the Cromwell Engine CromIAMWorkflowsForAdminApi | ApiWorkflowsVersionCallcachingDiffGet | GET /api/workflows/{version}/callcaching/diff | Return the hash differential between two calls CromIAMWorkflowsForAdminApi | ApiWorkflowsVersionIdReleaseHoldPost | POST /api/workflows/{version}/{id}/releaseHold | Request Cromwell to release the hold on a workflow. It will switch the status of a workflow from ‘On Hold’ to ‘Submitted’ so it can be picked for running. For instance this might be necessary in cases where you have submitted a workflow with workflowOnHold = true. CromIAMWorkflowsForJobManagerApi | ApiWorkflowsVersionIdAbortPost | POST /api/workflows/{version}/{id}/abort | Abort a workflow based on workflow id CromIAMWorkflowsForJobManagerApi | ApiWorkflowsVersionIdBackendMetadataBackendIdGet | GET /api/workflows/{version}/{id}/backend/metadata/{backendId} | Get backend (e.g. PAPI) metadata for a job CromIAMWorkflowsForJobManagerApi | ApiWorkflowsVersionIdLabelsPatch | PATCH /api/workflows/{version}/{id}/labels | Add new labels or update values for existing label keys by workflow id. CromIAMWorkflowsForJobManagerApi | ApiWorkflowsVersionIdMetadataGet | GET /api/workflows/{version}/{id}/metadata | Query for workflow and call-level metadata for a specified workflow CromIAMWorkflowsForJobManagerApi | ApiWorkflowsVersionQueryGet | GET /api/workflows/{version}/query | Query workflows by start dates, end dates, names, ids, or statuses. CromIAMWorkflowsForJobManagerApi | ApiWorkflowsVersionQueryPost | POST /api/workflows/{version}/query | Query workflows by start dates, end dates, names, ids, or statuses. EntitiesApi | BrowserDownloadEntitiesTSV | POST /cookie-authed/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/entities/{entityType}/tsv | TSV file containing workspace entities of the specified type EntitiesApi | BrowserDownloadEntitiesTSVGet | GET /cookie-authed/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/entities/{entityType}/tsv | TSV file containing workspace entities of the specified type EntitiesApi | CopyEntities | POST /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/entities/copy | Copy entities from one workspace to another EntitiesApi | DeleteEntities | POST /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/entities/delete | Bulk delete entities from a workspace EntitiesApi | DownloadEntitiesTSV | GET /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/entities/{entityType}/tsv | TSV file containing workspace entities of the specified type EntitiesApi | EntityQuery | GET /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/entityQuery/{entityType} | Paginated query for entities in a workspace EntitiesApi | EvaluateEntityExpression | POST /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/entities/{entityType}/{entityName}/evaluate | Evaluate entity expression EntitiesApi | FlexibleImportEntities | POST /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/flexibleImportEntities | Import entities from a tsv file EntitiesApi | GetEntities | GET /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/entities/{entityType} | List of entities in a workspace EntitiesApi | GetEntitiesWithType | GET /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/entities_with_type | List of entities in a workspace with type and attribute information EntitiesApi | GetEntity | GET /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/entities/{entityType}/{entityName} | Get entity in a workspace EntitiesApi | GetEntityTypes | GET /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/entities | List of entity types in a workspace EntitiesApi | ImportBagit | POST /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/importBagit | Import entity TSVs from a zipped BagIt directory, whose payload contains two files - participants.tsv and samples.tsv EntitiesApi | ImportEntities | POST /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/importEntities | Import entities from a tsv file EntitiesApi | ImportPFB | POST /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/importPFB | Import PFB data from an Avro file EntitiesApi | ImportPFBStatus | GET /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/importPFB/{jobId} | Report status on a PFB import job EntitiesApi | ListImportPFBJobs | GET /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/importPFB | List PFB import jobs in this workspace EntitiesApi | UpdateEntity | PATCH /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/entities/{entityType}/{entityName} | Update entity in a workspace GA4GHToolRegistryApi | Ga4ghV1MetadataGet | GET /ga4gh/v1/metadata | Return some metadata that is useful for describing this registry GA4GHToolRegistryApi | Ga4ghV1ToolClassesGet | GET /ga4gh/v1/tool-classes | List all tool types GA4GHToolRegistryApi | Ga4ghV1ToolsGet | GET /ga4gh/v1/tools | List all tools GA4GHToolRegistryApi | Ga4ghV1ToolsIdGet | GET /ga4gh/v1/tools/{id} | List one specific tool, acts as an anchor for self references GA4GHToolRegistryApi | Ga4ghV1ToolsIdVersionsGet | GET /ga4gh/v1/tools/{id}/versions | List versions of a tool GA4GHToolRegistryApi | Ga4ghV1ToolsIdVersionsVersionIdGet | GET /ga4gh/v1/tools/{id}/versions/{version-id} | List one specific tool version, acts as an anchor for self references GA4GHToolRegistryApi | Ga4ghV1ToolsIdVersionsVersionIdTypeDescriptorGet | GET /ga4gh/v1/tools/{id}/versions/{version-id}/{type}/descriptor | Get the tool descriptor (WDL) for the specified tool. GroupsApi | AddUserToGroup | PUT /api/groups/{groupName}/{role}/{email} | add a user to a group the caller owns GroupsApi | CreateGroup | POST /api/groups/{groupName} | create a new group GroupsApi | DeleteGroup | DELETE /api/groups/{groupName} | delete a group that the caller owns GroupsApi | GetGroup | GET /api/groups/{groupName} | view the members in a group GroupsApi | GetGroups | GET /api/groups | get the list of the groups that the caller is a member of GroupsApi | RemoveUserFromGroup | DELETE /api/groups/{groupName}/{role}/{email} | remove a user from a group the caller owns GroupsApi | RequestAccessToGroup | POST /api/groups/{groupName}/requestAccess | request access to a group LibraryApi | DataIngest | POST /duos/structuredData | Data Use Search ingest LibraryApi | DuosAutocomplete | GET /duos/autocomplete/{queryTerm} | Passes through to DUOS' autocomplete method to select ontology terms of disease type that match the query term. LibraryApi | DuosConsentOrspId | GET /api/duos/consent/orsp/{orspId} | Find Consent by ORSP ID LibraryApi | DuosResearchPurposeQuery | POST /duos/researchPurposeQuery | Generates an ElasticSearch clause for filtering by research purpose LibraryApi | FindDocuments | POST /api/library/search | searches published library datasets LibraryApi | GetDiscoverableGroups | GET /api/library/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/discoverableGroups | get the groups that can discover this library dataset LibraryApi | GetLibraryMetadata | GET /api/library/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/metadata | get the entire metadata for a library dataset LibraryApi | Groups | GET /api/library/groups | returns groups that can be used for discoverable datasets LibraryApi | PopulateSuggest | GET /api/library/populate/suggest/{field} | suggestions for populating a field LibraryApi | PublishLibraryWorkspace | POST /api/library/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/published | publish the workspace in the Library LibraryApi | PutLibraryMetadata | PUT /api/library/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/metadata | put the entire metadata for a library dataset LibraryApi | ReindexAll | POST /api/library/admin/reindex | deletes and rebuilds the entire index of published library datasets LibraryApi | SearchSuggest | POST /api/library/suggest | search suggestions LibraryApi | UnpublishLibraryWorkspace | DELETE /api/library/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/published | unpublish the workspace in the Library LibraryApi | UpdateDiscoverableGroups | PUT /api/library/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/discoverableGroups | set the groups that can discover this library dataset MethodConfigurationsApi | CopyFromMethodRepo | POST /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/method_configs/copyFromMethodRepo | Copy a Method Repository Configuration into a workspace MethodConfigurationsApi | CopyToMethodRepo | POST /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/method_configs/copyToMethodRepo | Copy a Method Config in a workspace to the Method Repository MethodConfigurationsApi | DeleteWorkspaceMethodConfig | DELETE /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/method_configs/{configNamespace}/{configName} | Delete a method configuration in a workspace MethodConfigurationsApi | GetWorkspaceMethodConfig | GET /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/method_configs/{configNamespace}/{configName} | Get a method configuration in a workspace MethodConfigurationsApi | ImportStatus | GET /api/profile/importstatus | Check the user's ability to import a method config into a workspace MethodConfigurationsApi | ListWorkspaceMethodConfigs | GET /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/methodconfigs | List method configurations in a workspace MethodConfigurationsApi | OverwriteWorkspaceMethodConfig | PUT /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/method_configs/{configNamespace}/{configName} | Add or overwrite a method configuration in a workspace MethodConfigurationsApi | PostWorkspaceMethodConfig | POST /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/methodconfigs | Create a Method Configuration in a workspace MethodConfigurationsApi | RenameWorkspaceMethodConfig | POST /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/method_configs/{configNamespace}/{configName}/rename | Rename a method configuration in a workspace MethodConfigurationsApi | UpdateWorkspaceMethodConfig | POST /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/method_configs/{configNamespace}/{configName} | Update a method configuration in a workspace MethodConfigurationsApi | ValidateMethodConfiguration | GET /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/method_configs/{configNamespace}/{configName}/validate | get syntax validation information for a method configuration MethodConfigurationsApi | WorkspacePermissionReport | POST /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/permissionReport | Retrieve user permissions for the workspace and the workspace's method references MethodRepositoryApi | ApiConfigurationsNamespaceNameSnapshotIdDelete | DELETE /api/configurations/{namespace}/{name}/{snapshotId} | Redact a single configuration. MethodRepositoryApi | ApiConfigurationsPost | POST /api/configurations | Add a configuration. MethodRepositoryApi | ApiMethodsDefinitionsGet | GET /api/methods/definitions | List method definitions MethodRepositoryApi | ApiMethodsNamespaceNameConfigurationsGet | GET /api/methods/{namespace}/{name}/configurations | List configurations associated with a method MethodRepositoryApi | ApiMethodsNamespaceNameSnapshotIdConfigurationsGet | GET /api/methods/{namespace}/{name}/{snapshotId}/configurations | List compatible configurations for this method snapshot MethodRepositoryApi | ApiMethodsNamespaceNameSnapshotIdDelete | DELETE /api/methods/{namespace}/{name}/{snapshotId} | Redact a single method. MethodRepositoryApi | ApiMethodsNamespaceNameSnapshotIdGet | GET /api/methods/{namespace}/{name}/{snapshotId} | Find a single method. MethodRepositoryApi | ApiMethodsNamespaceNameSnapshotIdPost | POST /api/methods/{namespace}/{name}/{snapshotId} | Create a new snapshot of an existing Method. MethodRepositoryApi | ApiMethodsPost | POST /api/methods | Add a Method. MethodRepositoryApi | CopyFromMethodRepo | POST /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/method_configs/copyFromMethodRepo | Copy a Method Repository Configuration into a workspace MethodRepositoryApi | CopyToMethodRepo | POST /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/method_configs/copyToMethodRepo | Copy a Method Config in a workspace to the Method Repository MethodRepositoryApi | CreateMethodTemplate | POST /api/template | Create a Method Configuration template from a Method MethodRepositoryApi | GetConfigACL | GET /api/configurations/{namespace}/{name}/{snapshotId}/permissions | get ACL permissions on a Method Repository configuration MethodRepositoryApi | GetConfigNamespaceACL | GET /api/configurations/{namespace}/permissions | get ACL permissions on a Method Repository Configuration Namespace MethodRepositoryApi | GetMethodACL | GET /api/methods/{namespace}/{name}/{snapshotId}/permissions | get ACL permissions on a Method Repository method MethodRepositoryApi | GetMethodIO | POST /api/inputsOutputs | Get information about a method's inputs and outputs MethodRepositoryApi | GetMethodNamespaceACL | GET /api/methods/{namespace}/permissions | get ACL permissions on a Method Repository Method Namespace MethodRepositoryApi | GetMethodRepositoryConfiguration | GET /api/configurations/{namespace}/{name}/{snapshotId} | Get a Method Repository configuration MethodRepositoryApi | ListMethodRepositoryConfigurations | GET /api/configurations | List Method Repository configurations. MethodRepositoryApi | ListMethodRepositoryMethods | GET /api/methods | Lists Method Repository methods. MethodRepositoryApi | MultiUpsertMethodsACL | PUT /api/methods/permissions | set ACLs for multiple methods in one call MethodRepositoryApi | SetConfigACL | POST /api/configurations/{namespace}/{name}/{snapshotId}/permissions | set ACL permissions on a Method Repository configuration MethodRepositoryApi | SetConfigNamespaceACL | POST /api/configurations/{namespace}/permissions | set ACL permissions on a Method Repository Configuration Namespace MethodRepositoryApi | SetMethodACL | POST /api/methods/{namespace}/{name}/{snapshotId}/permissions | set ACL permissions on a Method Repository method MethodRepositoryApi | SetMethodNamespaceACL | POST /api/methods/{namespace}/permissions | set ACL permissions on a Method Repository Method Namespace NIHApi | NIHCallback | POST /api/nih/callback | Updates a user's NIH link from a JWT NIHApi | NIHStatus | GET /api/nih/status | Retrieves info about a user's NIH link NotificationsApi | GeneralNotifications | GET /api/notifications/general | Gets the general notifications available NotificationsApi | WorkspaceNotifications | GET /api/notifications/workspace/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName} | Gets the notifications available for a workspace OAuthApi | GetRefreshTokenStatus | GET /api/refresh-token-status | deprecated OAuthApi | HandleOauthCode | POST /handle-oauth-code | deprecated ProfileApi | Billing | GET /api/profile/billing | List billing projects for a user ProfileApi | BillingAccounts | GET /api/profile/billingAccounts | List billing accounts for a user ProfileApi | BillingProjectStatus | GET /api/profile/billing/{projectName} | billing project status ProfileApi | GetAll | GET /register/profile | Returns a list of all keys and values stored in the user profile service for the currently logged-in user. ProfileApi | GetProxyGroup | GET /api/proxyGroup/{email} | Returns the proxy group email for the current user ProfileApi | GetTerraPreference | GET /api/profile/terra | Returns the current user's preference for Terra UI vs. Legacy view ProfileApi | GetUserStatus | GET /register | Passes through to the Rawls userinfo API and returns its response ProfileApi | ImportStatus | GET /api/profile/importstatus | Check the user's ability to import a method config into a workspace ProfileApi | IsCurator | GET /api/library/user/role/curator | Query to see if you're a library curator ProfileApi | Me | GET /me | Returns registration and activation status for the current user ProfileApi | SetFCPreference | DELETE /api/profile/terra | Sets the current user's preference to use Legacy view, not Terra UI ProfileApi | SetProfile | POST /register/profile | Sets a profile object in the user profile service for the currently logged-in user. ProfileApi | SetTerraPreference | POST /api/profile/terra | Sets the current user's preference to use Terra UI, not Legacy view ProfileApi | UpdateProfile | POST /api/profile/preferences | Update the preferences for the user ProfileApi | UserInfo | GET /register/userinfo | Passes through to Google's userinfo API and returns its response ServicePerimetersApi | AddProjectToServicePerimeter | PUT /servicePerimeters/{servicePerimeterName}/projects/{projectName} | Add a project to a service perimeter ShareLogApi | GetSharees | GET /api/sharelog/sharees | Get a list of users with whom current user has shared a Workspace. StaticNotebooksApi | ConvertNotebook | POST /api/staticNotebooks/convert | Convert a Notebook ipynb file to a static HTML representation StatusApi | Error | GET /error | An error status endpoint for load balancing purposes StatusApi | Health | GET /health | A health status endpoint for load balancing purposes StatusApi | Status | GET /status | An orchestrated status check that includes a health report of underlying systems StorageApi | GetMetadata | GET /api/storage/{bucket}/{object} | Get metadata about an object stored in GCS. StorageApi | GetStorageDownload | GET /cookie-authed/download/b/{bucket}/o/{object} | Download GCS object using a cookie token SubmissionsApi | AbortSubmission | DELETE /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/submissions/{submissionId} | abort a submission SubmissionsApi | CountSubmissions | GET /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/submissionsCount | Count submissions by status SubmissionsApi | CreateSubmission | POST /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/submissions | Create a submission. SubmissionsApi | ListSubmissions | GET /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/submissions | List submissions. SubmissionsApi | MonitorSubmission | GET /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/submissions/{submissionId} | Monitor submission status SubmissionsApi | ValidateSubmission | POST /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/submissions/validate | Validate submission SubmissionsApi | WorkflowCostInSubmission | GET /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/submissions/{submissionId}/workflows/{workflowId}/cost | Retrieve workflow cost, if available. SubmissionsApi | WorkflowMetadata | GET /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/submissions/{submissionId}/workflows/{workflowId} | Get call-level metadata for workflow SubmissionsApi | WorkflowOutputsInSubmission | GET /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/submissions/{submissionId}/workflows/{workflowId}/outputs | Get workflow outputs. SubmissionsApi | WorkflowQueueStatus | GET /api/submissions/queueStatus | workflow queue status VersionApi | ExecutionEngineVersion | GET /version/executionEngine | Returns the currently deployed version of FireCloud's execution engine VersionApi | OrchestrationVersion | GET /version | Returns the currently deployed version of this service. WomtoolApi | Describe | POST /api/womtool/{version}/describe | Machine-readable description of a workflow, including inputs and outputs WorkspacesApi | BrowserDownloadAttributes | GET /cookie-authed/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/exportAttributesTSV | TSV file containing workspace attributes (allows cookie-based authentication) WorkspacesApi | ChangedWorkspaceNotification | POST /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/sendChangeNotification | Sends notifications for change to workspace WorkspacesApi | CheckIamActionWithLock | GET /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/checkIamActionWithLock/{samActionName} | Check IAM action with lock WorkspacesApi | CloneWorkspace | POST /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/clone | Clone Workspace WorkspacesApi | CreateWorkspace | POST /api/workspaces | Create workspace WorkspacesApi | DeleteWorkspace | DELETE /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName} | Delete workspace WorkspacesApi | DeleteWorkspaceTags | DELETE /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/tags | Remove the user-supplied tags from the workspace. WorkspacesApi | ExportAttributesTSV | GET /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/exportAttributesTSV | TSV file containing workspace attributes WorkspacesApi | GetBucketUsage | GET /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/bucketUsage | Get bucket usage WorkspacesApi | GetCatalog | GET /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/catalog | Get workspace catalog permission WorkspacesApi | GetStorageCostEstimate | GET /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/storageCostEstimate | Calculate an estimate of the monthly storage cost for the workspace bucket WorkspacesApi | GetTags | GET /api/workspaces/tags | Get all tags used in FireCloud (for autocomplete) WorkspacesApi | GetWorkspace | GET /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName} | Get workspace WorkspacesApi | GetWorkspaceAccessInstructions | GET /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/accessInstructions | Get workspace access instructions (if any) WorkspacesApi | GetWorkspaceAcl | GET /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/acl | Get workspace ACL WorkspacesApi | GetWorkspaceBucketOptions | GET /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/bucketOptions | Get metadata about the workspace bucket WorkspacesApi | GetWorkspaceTags | GET /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/tags | Get the tags for this workspace. WorkspacesApi | ImportAttributesTSV | POST /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/importAttributesTSV | Import workspace attributes from a tsv file WorkspacesApi | ListWorkspaceMethodConfigs | GET /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/methodconfigs | List method configurations in a workspace WorkspacesApi | ListWorkspaces | GET /api/workspaces | Lists workspaces. WorkspacesApi | LockWorkspace | PUT /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/lock | Lock Workspace WorkspacesApi | PatchWorkspaceTags | PATCH /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/tags | Add tags to the workspace without modifying pre-existing tags. WorkspacesApi | PostWorkspaceMethodConfig | POST /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/methodconfigs | Create a Method Configuration in a workspace WorkspacesApi | PutWorkspaceTags | PUT /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/tags | Replace all tags for this workspace with the user input. WorkspacesApi | ReadBucket | GET /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/checkBucketReadAccess | Read workspace bucket WorkspacesApi | SetAttributes | PATCH /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/setAttributes | Set attributes on a workspace. WorkspacesApi | UnlockWorkspace | PUT /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/unlock | Unlock Workspace WorkspacesApi | UpdateAttributes | PATCH /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/updateAttributes | Modify attributes on a workspace. WorkspacesApi | UpdateCatalog | PATCH /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/catalog | Update catalog permission WorkspacesApi | UpdateWorkspaceACL | PATCH /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/acl | Update workspace ACL WorkspacesApi | WorkspacePermissionReport | POST /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/permissionReport | Retrieve user permissions for the workspace and the workspace's method references

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization



vjcitn/terraClientR documentation built on Dec. 23, 2021, 4:07 p.m.