

All URIs are relative to http://localhost

Method | HTTP request | Description ------------- | ------------- | ------------- Describe | POST /api/womtool/{version}/describe | Machine-readable description of a workflow, including inputs and outputs


WorkflowDescription Describe(version, workflow.source=var.workflow.source, workflow.url=var.workflow.url, workflow.inputs=var.workflow.inputs, workflow.type=var.workflow.type, workflow.type.version=var.workflow.type.version)

Machine-readable description of a workflow, including inputs and outputs



var.version <- 'v1' # character | Cromwell API Version
var.workflow.source <-'/path/to/file') # data.frame | The workflow source file to submit for execution. Either workflow source or workflow url is required.
var.workflow.url <- 'workflow.url_example' # character | URL which points to the workflow. Either workflow source or workflow url is required.
var.workflow.inputs <-'/path/to/file') # data.frame | JSON or YAML file containing the inputs as an object.
var.workflow.type <- 'workflow.type_example' # character | The workflow language for the file you submitted. Cromwell currently supports WDL and CWL.
var.workflow.type.version <- 'workflow.type.version_example' # character | The specification version for the workflow language being used. For WDL, Cromwell currently supports draft-2 and 1.0. For CWL, Cromwell currently supports v1.0.

#Machine-readable description of a workflow, including inputs and outputs
api.instance <- WomtoolApi$new()
# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: googleoauth
api.instance$apiClient$accessToken <- 'TODO_YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';
result <- api.instance$Describe(var.version, workflow.source=var.workflow.source, workflow.url=var.workflow.url, workflow.inputs=var.workflow.inputs, workflow.type=var.workflow.type, workflow.type.version=var.workflow.type.version)


Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- version | character| Cromwell API Version | [default to 'v1'] workflow.source | data.frame| The workflow source file to submit for execution. Either workflow source or workflow url is required. | [optional] workflow.url | character| URL which points to the workflow. Either workflow source or workflow url is required. | [optional] workflow.inputs | data.frame| JSON or YAML file containing the inputs as an object. | [optional] workflow.type | Enum [WDL, CWL] | The workflow language for the file you submitted. Cromwell currently supports WDL and CWL. | [optional] workflow.type.version | Enum [draft-2, 1.0, v1.0] | The specification version for the workflow language being used. For WDL, Cromwell currently supports draft-2 and 1.0. For CWL, Cromwell currently supports v1.0. | [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

HTTP response details

| Status code | Description | Response headers | |-------------|-------------|------------------| | 200 | Workflow description. | - |

vjcitn/terraClientR documentation built on Dec. 23, 2021, 4:07 p.m.