# Automatically generated by openapi-generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
# Please update as you see appropriate
context("Test WorkspacesApi")
api.instance <- WorkspacesApi$new()
test_that("BrowserDownloadAttributes", {
# tests for BrowserDownloadAttributes
# base path: http://localhost
# TSV file containing workspace attributes (allows cookie-based authentication)
# @param workspace.namespace character Workspace Namespace
# @param workspace.name character Workspace Name
# @return [data.frame]
# uncomment below to test the operation
#expect_equal(result, "EXPECTED_RESULT")
test_that("ChangedWorkspaceNotification", {
# tests for ChangedWorkspaceNotification
# base path: http://localhost
# Sends notifications for change to workspace
# @param workspace.namespace character workspace namespace
# @param workspace.name character workspace name
# @return [Void]
# uncomment below to test the operation
#expect_equal(result, "EXPECTED_RESULT")
test_that("CheckIamActionWithLock", {
# tests for CheckIamActionWithLock
# base path: http://localhost
# Check IAM action with lock
# Check to see if the user has the given action on a workspace in Sam. Takes into account if the workspace is locked too.
# @param workspace.namespace character Workspace Namespace
# @param workspace.name character Workspace Name
# @param sam.action.name character Sam action
# @return [Void]
# uncomment below to test the operation
#expect_equal(result, "EXPECTED_RESULT")
test_that("CloneWorkspace", {
# tests for CloneWorkspace
# base path: http://localhost
# Clone Workspace
# @param workspace.namespace character Workspace Namespace
# @param workspace.name character Workspace Name
# @param workspace WorkspaceRequestClone Cloned workspace information
# @return [WorkspaceDetails]
# uncomment below to test the operation
#expect_equal(result, "EXPECTED_RESULT")
test_that("CreateWorkspace", {
# tests for CreateWorkspace
# base path: http://localhost
# Create workspace
# @param workspace WorkspaceRequest New workspace information
# @return [WorkspaceDetails]
# uncomment below to test the operation
#expect_equal(result, "EXPECTED_RESULT")
test_that("DeleteWorkspace", {
# tests for DeleteWorkspace
# base path: http://localhost
# Delete workspace
# @param workspace.namespace character Workspace Namespace
# @param workspace.name character Workspace Name
# @return [Void]
# uncomment below to test the operation
#expect_equal(result, "EXPECTED_RESULT")
test_that("DeleteWorkspaceTags", {
# tests for DeleteWorkspaceTags
# base path: http://localhost
# Remove the user-supplied tags from the workspace.
# @param workspace.namespace character Workspace Namespace
# @param workspace.name character Workspace Name
# @param tags array[character] List of tags.
# @return [array[character]]
# uncomment below to test the operation
#expect_equal(result, "EXPECTED_RESULT")
test_that("ExportAttributesTSV", {
# tests for ExportAttributesTSV
# base path: http://localhost
# TSV file containing workspace attributes
# @param workspace.namespace character Workspace Namespace
# @param workspace.name character Workspace Name
# @return [data.frame]
# uncomment below to test the operation
#expect_equal(result, "EXPECTED_RESULT")
test_that("GetBucketUsage", {
# tests for GetBucketUsage
# base path: http://localhost
# Get bucket usage
# @param workspace.namespace character Workspace Namespace
# @param workspace.name character Workspace Name
# @return [Void]
# uncomment below to test the operation
#expect_equal(result, "EXPECTED_RESULT")
test_that("GetCatalog", {
# tests for GetCatalog
# base path: http://localhost
# Get workspace catalog permission
# Get catalog permissions for a workspace
# @param workspace.namespace character Workspace Namespace
# @param workspace.name character Workspace Name
# @return [array[WorkspaceCatalog]]
# uncomment below to test the operation
#expect_equal(result, "EXPECTED_RESULT")
test_that("GetStorageCostEstimate", {
# tests for GetStorageCostEstimate
# base path: http://localhost
# Calculate an estimate of the monthly storage cost for the workspace bucket
# @param workspace.namespace character Workspace Namespace
# @param workspace.name character Workspace Name
# @return [Void]
# uncomment below to test the operation
#expect_equal(result, "EXPECTED_RESULT")
test_that("GetTags", {
# tests for GetTags
# base path: http://localhost
# Get all tags used in FireCloud (for autocomplete)
# list of all tags used in FireCloud and their associated frequencies
# @param q character Query string (optional)
# @return [array[WorkspaceTag]]
# uncomment below to test the operation
#expect_equal(result, "EXPECTED_RESULT")
test_that("GetWorkspace", {
# tests for GetWorkspace
# base path: http://localhost
# Get workspace
# Get a single workspace's details, optionally filtered to only the specified fields. See additional GET methods in this section to retrieve additional details about the workspace. For instance, this API only returns the workspace's owners; use the GET .../acl method to retrieve the full list of all users at all permission levels.
# @param workspace.namespace character Workspace Namespace
# @param workspace.name character Workspace Name
# @param fields array[character] When specified, include only these keys in the response payload and exclude other keys. Accepts a comma-delimited list of values. To include a nested key, specify the key's path using a dot delimiter; for example, to include {\"workspace\": {\"attributes\": {}}}, specify \"workspace.attributes\". Legal values are any first-level key in the response, any first-level key inside the {\"workspace\": {}} object, and any first-level key inside the {\"workspace\": {\"attributes\": {}}} object. If omitted, will return the full response payload. (optional)
# @return [WorkspaceResponse]
# uncomment below to test the operation
#expect_equal(result, "EXPECTED_RESULT")
test_that("GetWorkspaceAccessInstructions", {
# tests for GetWorkspaceAccessInstructions
# base path: http://localhost
# Get workspace access instructions (if any)
# @param workspace.namespace character Workspace Namespace
# @param workspace.name character Workspace Name
# @return [array[ManagedGroupAccessInstructions]]
# uncomment below to test the operation
#expect_equal(result, "EXPECTED_RESULT")
test_that("GetWorkspaceAcl", {
# tests for GetWorkspaceAcl
# base path: http://localhost
# Get workspace ACL
# @param workspace.namespace character Workspace Namespace
# @param workspace.name character Workspace Name
# @return [WorkspaceACL]
# uncomment below to test the operation
#expect_equal(result, "EXPECTED_RESULT")
test_that("GetWorkspaceBucketOptions", {
# tests for GetWorkspaceBucketOptions
# base path: http://localhost
# Get metadata about the workspace bucket
# Returns metadata about the workspace bucket.
# @param workspace.namespace character Workspace Namespace
# @param workspace.name character Workspace Name
# @return [WorkspaceBucketOptions]
# uncomment below to test the operation
#expect_equal(result, "EXPECTED_RESULT")
test_that("GetWorkspaceTags", {
# tests for GetWorkspaceTags
# base path: http://localhost
# Get the tags for this workspace.
# @param workspace.namespace character Workspace Namespace
# @param workspace.name character Workspace Name
# @return [array[character]]
# uncomment below to test the operation
#expect_equal(result, "EXPECTED_RESULT")
test_that("ImportAttributesTSV", {
# tests for ImportAttributesTSV
# base path: http://localhost
# Import workspace attributes from a tsv file
# @param workspace.namespace character Workspace Namespace
# @param workspace.name character Workspace Name
# @param attributes data.frame A valid TSV import file
# @return [Void]
# uncomment below to test the operation
#expect_equal(result, "EXPECTED_RESULT")
test_that("ListWorkspaceMethodConfigs", {
# tests for ListWorkspaceMethodConfigs
# base path: http://localhost
# List method configurations in a workspace
# List method configurations in a workspace. By default, only Agora method configs are returned. To return configs for all repos, specify `allRepos` to be `true`. #### Expanded discussion on the methodRepoMethod field This endpoint returns method references to Agora in the format ``` \"methodRepoMethod\": { \"methodNamespace\": \"namespace\", \"methodName\": \"name\", \"methodVersion\": 1, \"sourceRepo\": \"agora\", \"methodUri\": \"agora://namespace/name/1\" } ``` and for Dockstore in the format ``` \"methodRepoMethod\": { \"methodPath\": \"path\", \"methodVersion\": \"version\", \"sourceRepo\": \"agora\", \"methodUri\": \"dockstore://path/version\" } ``` If you are only working with Agora methods, the fields `\"sourceRepo\"` and `\"methodUri\"` can be considered informational and do not need to be round-tripped (see the corresponding `POST /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/methodconfigs` for more details).
# @param workspace.namespace character Workspace Namespace
# @param workspace.name character Workspace Name
# @param all.repos character Configs for all repos, not just Agora (optional)
# @return [Void]
# uncomment below to test the operation
#expect_equal(result, "EXPECTED_RESULT")
test_that("ListWorkspaces", {
# tests for ListWorkspaces
# base path: http://localhost
# Lists workspaces.
# @param fields array[character] When specified, include only these keys in the response payload and exclude other keys. Accepts a comma-delimited list of values. To include a nested key, specify the key's path using a dot delimiter; for example, to include {\"workspace\": {\"attributes\": {}}}, specify \"workspace.attributes\". Legal values are any first-level key in the response, any first-level key inside the {\"workspace\": {}} object, and any first-level key inside the {\"workspace\": {\"attributes\": {}}} object. If omitted, will return the full response payload. (optional)
# @return [array[WorkspaceListResponse]]
# uncomment below to test the operation
#expect_equal(result, "EXPECTED_RESULT")
test_that("LockWorkspace", {
# tests for LockWorkspace
# base path: http://localhost
# Lock Workspace
# @param workspace.namespace character Workspace Namespace
# @param workspace.name character Workspace Name
# @return [Void]
# uncomment below to test the operation
#expect_equal(result, "EXPECTED_RESULT")
test_that("PatchWorkspaceTags", {
# tests for PatchWorkspaceTags
# base path: http://localhost
# Add tags to the workspace without modifying pre-existing tags.
# @param workspace.namespace character Workspace Namespace
# @param workspace.name character Workspace Name
# @param tags array[character] List of tags.
# @return [array[character]]
# uncomment below to test the operation
#expect_equal(result, "EXPECTED_RESULT")
test_that("PostWorkspaceMethodConfig", {
# tests for PostWorkspaceMethodConfig
# base path: http://localhost
# Create a Method Configuration in a workspace
# Create method configurations. #### Expanded discussion on the methodRepoMethod field To create a method config for an Agora method, `\"sourceRepo\": \"agora\"` is optional; the following is sufficient: ``` \"methodRepoMethod\": { \"methodNamespace\": \"namespace\", \"methodName\": \"name\", \"methodVersion\": 1 } ``` To create a method config for a Dockstore method, `\"sourceRepo\": \"dockstore\"` is required: ``` \"methodRepoMethod\": { \"sourceRepo\": \"dockstore\", \"methodPath\": \"path\", \"methodVersion\": \"version\" } ``` You may also use the URI on its own to create a config referencing any supported repo (currently Agora and Dockstore): ``` \"methodRepoMethod\": { \"methodUri\": \"agora://namespace/name/1\" } ``` ``` \"methodRepoMethod\": { \"methodUri\": \"dockstore://path/version\" } ``` The system is specified to check for a URI first before falling back to the legacy fields. Unsupported repos will return a 400 Bad Request.
# @param workspace.namespace character Workspace Namespace
# @param workspace.name character Workspace Name
# @param method.config.json NewMethodConfigIngest Method Configuration contents
# @return [Void]
# uncomment below to test the operation
#expect_equal(result, "EXPECTED_RESULT")
test_that("PutWorkspaceTags", {
# tests for PutWorkspaceTags
# base path: http://localhost
# Replace all tags for this workspace with the user input.
# @param workspace.namespace character Workspace Namespace
# @param workspace.name character Workspace Name
# @param tags array[character] List of tags.
# @return [array[character]]
# uncomment below to test the operation
#expect_equal(result, "EXPECTED_RESULT")
test_that("ReadBucket", {
# tests for ReadBucket
# base path: http://localhost
# Read workspace bucket
# Read a workspace bucket
# @param workspace.namespace character Workspace Namespace
# @param workspace.name character Workspace Name
# @return [Void]
# uncomment below to test the operation
#expect_equal(result, "EXPECTED_RESULT")
test_that("SetAttributes", {
# tests for SetAttributes
# base path: http://localhost
# Set attributes on a workspace.
# @param workspace.namespace character Workspace Namespace
# @param workspace.name character Workspace Name
# @param new.attributes map(object) New attribute values, as Map[String, Attribute]. WARNING! This should not be used to change library metadata (republish will not happen). Use UpdateAttributes in the library section
# @return [Void]
# uncomment below to test the operation
#expect_equal(result, "EXPECTED_RESULT")
test_that("UnlockWorkspace", {
# tests for UnlockWorkspace
# base path: http://localhost
# Unlock Workspace
# @param workspace.namespace character Workspace Namespace
# @param workspace.name character Workspace Name
# @return [Void]
# uncomment below to test the operation
#expect_equal(result, "EXPECTED_RESULT")
test_that("UpdateAttributes", {
# tests for UpdateAttributes
# base path: http://localhost
# Modify attributes on a workspace.
# @param workspace.namespace character Workspace Namespace
# @param workspace.name character Workspace Name
# @param workspace.update.json array[AttributeUpdateOperation] Attribute operations. WARNING! This should not be used to change library metadata (republish will not happen). Use UpdateAttributes in the library section.
# @return [WorkspaceDetails]
# uncomment below to test the operation
#expect_equal(result, "EXPECTED_RESULT")
test_that("UpdateCatalog", {
# tests for UpdateCatalog
# base path: http://localhost
# Update catalog permission
# Set catalog permisisons for a workspace
# @param workspace.namespace character Workspace Namespace
# @param workspace.name character Workspace Name
# @param catalog.updates array[WorkspaceCatalog] Series of Catalog updates for workspace
# @return [WorkspaceCatalogUpdateResponseList]
# uncomment below to test the operation
#expect_equal(result, "EXPECTED_RESULT")
test_that("UpdateWorkspaceACL", {
# tests for UpdateWorkspaceACL
# base path: http://localhost
# Update workspace ACL
# @param workspace.namespace character Workspace Namespace
# @param workspace.name character Workspace Name
# @param invite.users.not.found character true to invite unregistered users, false to ignore
# @param acl.updates array[WorkspaceACLUpdate] Series of ACL updates for workspace
# @return [WorkspaceACLUpdateResponseList]
# uncomment below to test the operation
#expect_equal(result, "EXPECTED_RESULT")
test_that("WorkspacePermissionReport", {
# tests for WorkspacePermissionReport
# base path: http://localhost
# Retrieve user permissions for the workspace and the workspace's method references
# @param workspace.namespace character Workspace Namespace
# @param workspace.name character Workspace Name
# @param report.input PermissionReportRequest Users and/or configs on which to report, both optional
# @return [PermissionReport]
# uncomment below to test the operation
#expect_equal(result, "EXPECTED_RESULT")
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