Man pages for vjcitn/tnt4dn8
TnT applications with GWAS in dn8 format

avail_syms_gtexsymbols available in the GTEx excerpt
basic2simple demo for a table like those produced by Ahmed
dn8_hubprovisional constructor of a hub to collect all resources and...
dn8_hub_closeclose hub
filter_dn8likefilter a table with dn8like columns
filter_symfilter a symbol from a table meeting dn8 naming conditions,...
genes_ensv75a data frame with gene addresses etc. for hg19 coordinates
genes_ensv79a data frame with gene addresses etc. for hg38 coordinates
genetrack_hg19TnT genetrack from Ensembl v75
gtex_b38_lung_chr20_excsmall dn8-formatted GTEx excerpt, chr20
gtex_pairs_to_data.frameimport signif_variant_gene_pairs from GTEx to data.frame,...
hg38ToHg19a chain lifting from hg38 to hg19
limgwcat_b38small dn8-similar GWAS catalog excerpt, chr20
make_uidemo ui
print.dn8_hubview hub
runBasicrun igvR to plot SNP p-values over gene models
serverdemo server
simplevizsimple plotter
sym2regionproduce a list of chrom, start, end, given gene symbol
tab2grngssimple converter
tableslist the 'tables' available in a hub (really the database...
tbl.dn8_hubselect a tbl from a hub
tntappapp code
tntplotTnT approach
tntplot2detailed plot
tntplot3detailed plot with 2 data tracks
vjcdemotest single GWAS track
vjcitn/tnt4dn8 documentation built on Sept. 10, 2022, 11:17 a.m.