
Defines functions maple_sample maple_sample.inla maple_sample.lc

Documented in maple_sample

#' Generate posterior samples of death rates and life tables.
#' @param model.fit A model fitted using maple_fit_model().
#' @param num.draws The number of samples.
#' @param ax The number of years lived on average by those who die in their current age group. See ?maple_plt for more details.
#' @return A list of life table draws, calculated using posterior samples of death rates.
#' @note For models fitted with INLA, this uses INLA's inla.posterion.sample() function. For Lee Carter models, it samples from the distribution of the fitted parameters, using the estimated mean and standard deviation.
#' @export
maple_sample <- function(model.fit, num.draws, ax) {

#' @export
maple_sample.inla <- function(model.fit, num.draws, ax = NULL) {
    log.rate.draws <- inla.posterior.sample(num.draws, model.fit)
    rate.draws <- lapply(log.rate.draws, function(draw) {
                    rates <- exp(draw$latent[grep("Predictor", rownames(draw$latent))])
                    rates <- rates[order(model.fit$.args$data$year, model.fit$.args$data$age)]
                    rates.m <- matrix(rates, ncol = length(unique(model.fit$.args$data$year)))
                    rownames(rates.m) <- unique(model.fit$.args$data$age)
                    colnames(rates.m) <- unique(model.fit$.args$data$year)
    structure(lapply(rate.draws, maple_plt, ax = ax, full.table = FALSE),
              class = "inla.samples")

#' @export
maple_sample.lc <- function(model.fit, num.draws, ax = NULL) {
	forecast.horizon <- model.fit$forecast.horizon
    log.rate.draws <- replicate(num.draws,
                       model.fit$alphas + Reduce(`+`, lapply(seq(model.fit$num.pcs),
                           function(i) outer(model.fit$betas[i, ],
                                             model.fit$gammas.pred[[i]]$pred +
                                                      sd = sqrt(model.fit$gammas.fit[[i]]$sigma2)))))),
                       simplify = FALSE)
    in.sample.fit <- model.fit$rate[, seq_len(ncol(model.fit$gammas))]
    rate.draws <- lapply(log.rate.draws, function(x) {
                        m <- cbind(in.sample.fit, exp(x))
                        colnames(m) <- colnames(model.fit$logrates)
    structure(lapply(rate.draws, maple_plt, ax = ax, full.table = FALSE), 
              class = "lc.samples")
vkontis/maple documentation built on July 15, 2019, 5:08 p.m.