cdscheck | Check for the status of a submitted search on NCBI's... |
cdsearchr | Access NCBI's (batch) CD-SEARCH from R. |
cdsrestodf | Extract CD-SEARCH results as data.frame. |
cdsretrieve | Retrieve annotation results from CD-SEARCH. |
cdssubmit | Submit a set of queries to NCBI's CD-SEARCH via R. |
fasdirdf | Read in all FASTA files in a directory as a data.frame. |
fastodf | Read in a FASTA file as a data.frame. |
list_files | Wrapper around 'base::list.files()' that adds an option to... |
msavisr | Multiple sequence alignment (MSA) visualization and... |
pdomvisr | Protein domain structure visualization in R. |
seqvisr-package | seqvisr: Biological Sequence Visualization and Auxiliary... |
tsvtogginp | Convert a single sequence's quasi-standard TSV "row" input... |
tsvtogginp_multi | Wrapper script around tsvtogginp() to perform conversion of a... |
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