fastodf: Read in a FASTA file as a data.frame.

View source: R/fastodf.R

fastodfR Documentation

Read in a FASTA file as a data.frame.


Utility function that uses read.fasta to load a FASTA file as a data.frame.


fastodf(path = NULL, seqtype = c("DNA", "AA"), incl_filepath = TRUE)



(character string, mandatory) the path to the input FASTA file.


(character string, optional) the type of sequence being read in; DNA ("DNA") or amino acid ("AA"). Defaults to "DNA".


(logical, optional) should the path to the file being read be included in the data.frame. Irrespective of whether the user sets this to TRUE or FALSE, a column (filename) will be included in the output data.frame to keep the number of columns consistent.


a data.frame with the following columns: seqname, seq, and filename. If incl_filepath is set to TRUE, then filename will include the full path to the input file. It will be set to NA otherwise.


## Not run: 
#Input data
inpath <- system.file("extdata", "cdsearchr_testdata.fasta", package = "seqvisr", mustWork = TRUE)
#Reading in some sample amino acid sequences
fastodf(path = inpath, seqtype = "AA")

## End(Not run)

vragh/seqvisr documentation built on April 20, 2024, 10:06 a.m.