Man pages for vz-risk/verisr
Tools for working with VERIS objects

add_patternsA function to add patterns to a verisr dataframe
flatten_verisrflatten a verisr dataframe such that each row represents a...
foldmatrixFold a verisr object into a numeric matrix of proportions
geta4namesConvenience function for the a4 names and values +...
getenum2Extract counts from one or more enumerations
getenumCIThe main method for summarizes veris enumerations from verisr...
getenumCI2019Summarizes veris enumerations from verisr objects
getenumCI2020Summarizes veris enumerations from verisr objects
getenumCI2021Summarizes veris enumerations from verisr objects
getenumCI2022Summarizes veris enumerations from verisr objects
getenumCI2023Summarizes veris enumerations from verisr objects
getenumlistreturn a list matching vcdb ordering and length with...
getenum.singleGet a data.frame of counts from an enumeration
getenumSRCSummarizes veris enumerations from verisr objects
getlastGet the last element from a column name
getlastactionGet the last element from a column name, include action
getlogicalConvenience function to pull the logical columns from verisr...
getnthGet the nth element from a column name
getpatternDetermine the patterns from the 2014 Verizon DBIR
getVarietyAmountInternal: Expand variety
getverisdfMerges veriscol and parseProps in a single object.
getvnamelongInternal: Get fields names using a long method
getvnamesInternal: Get fields names
industry2Metadata for 2-digit NAICS industry classification
industry3Metadata for 3-digit NAICS industry classification
json2verisRead in all the VERIS incidents (JSON files) in a given...
logit2probConvert logit to probability
mkenumsCreate a raw list of all column names expected from JSON...
models_to_centroidsHelper function to retrieve prototypes from skmeans models...
nameverisReturn a dense and complete list of VERIS variables and...
nameveris.recursReturn a dense list of only the VERIS variables and values in...
parsePropsMap VERIS fields to data type.
pattern_1.3.4_to_1.3.5Groom data for patterns from VERIS 1.3.4 to 1.3.5
pattern_1.3.6_to_1.3.5Groom data for patterns from VERIS 1.3.6 to 1.3.5
pattern_current_to_1.3.5Currently a reference to verisr::pattern_1.3.6_to_1.3.5()
pattern_no_changeGroom data for patterns, no changes
plota4Given a verisr object it will create a ggplot of the a4 grid
plot.verisrDisplays a four panel barplot of a verisr object
post.procPost process the veris object to add convenience fields.
simplebarReturns a simple bar plot of enumeration data.table
sortvmatrixInternal: sort veris columns
summary.verisrDisplays a useful description of a verisr object
test_veris_consistencyTest whether two enumerations are basically equal
test_veris_hypothesisDetermine a hypothesis about Ea and Eb
test_veris_proportionDetermine if Ea is greater than/less than/equal to a set...
test_veris_ratioTest the ratio of Ea to Eb
test_veris_time_stabilityDetermine if the enumeration is changing over time
veris2csvget matrix for CSV
veriscolCreate a list of all column names expected from JSON schema.
veris.samplesample data file to test/explore verisr
vz-risk/verisr documentation built on Aug. 5, 2023, 4:34 a.m.