Man pages for wStockhausen/rIBMS_SnowCrab
Basic functions for dealing with DisMELS Snow Crab IBM model output

calcCopeman_GrowthRateCalculate temperature-dependent snow crab growth rates
calcCopeman_SurvivalCalculate temperature-dependent snow crab cumulative...
calcIMDbyStage_FixedTCalculate the IMD by stage for fixed T
calcIMDforStage_BelehradekCalculate the intermolt duration using the Belehradek...
calcIntermoltDuration_BelehradekCalculate the intermolt duration using the Belehradek...
calcTempForIMD_BelehradekCalculate the temperature corresponding to an intermolt...
calcTforStageAndIMD_BelehradekCalculate the temperature corresponding to an intermolt...
getBaseMapLayersGet 'ggplot2' layers for a basemap
getBBoxGet the standard bbox for maps of model output
getBelehradekConstantsGet the constants for the Belehradek equation by life stage...
getConnectivityZonesGet a set of connectivity zones
getConnectivityZonesWebGet a 'sf' dataframe representing a directed web for a set of...
getLifeStageInfoGet a list that defines life stage info for the DisMELS snow...
getPackageDataGet a package layer object
getTforIMD_BelehradekCalculate and plot the necessary T against IMD by stage for a...
plotBasemapLayersPlot 'ggplot2' layers of a basemap
plotIMDbyT_BelehradekCalculate and plot the IMD against T by stage for a range of...
spatialIMD_calcCalculate the spatial distribution of IMD for a life stage
spatialIMD_mapMap the spatial distribution of IMD for a life stage
wStockhausen/rIBMS_SnowCrab documentation built on March 30, 2022, 2:54 p.m.