calcIMDforStage_Belehradek: Calculate the intermolt duration using the Belehradek...

View source: R/calcIntermoltDuration_Belehradek.R

calcIMDforStage_BelehradekR Documentation

Calculate the intermolt duration using the Belehradek equation for selected stages


Function to calculate the intermolt duration using the Belehradek equation for given stages based on given sources.


calcIMDforStage_Belehradek(sources = "all", stages = "all", T, dt = 1)



- "all", "Ouellet and Ste Marie 2018", "Yamamoto et al. 2014", or "Yamamoto et al. 2015"


- "all" or character vector with required life stages


- temperature (either a single number or a time series)


- time step (same time units as a), if T is a time series


The intermolt duration using Belehradek equation is D = a/(T-b)^c for development at constant T. Note that this => 1/D = [(T-b)^c]/a => S (1/D) dt = S [(T-b)^c]/a dt => 1 = S [(T-b)^c]/a dt, where S is the time integral from 0 to D. For variable T, then, the intermolt duration is assumed to be given by the time at which the integral S [(T-b)^c]/a dt = 1. Since a is constant, this condition is equivalent to S [(T-b)^c] dt = a. Note that Reamur's Law can be obtained by setting the exponent "c" to 1.


A tibble with columns 'source', 'stage', 'T', and 'D'.

wStockhausen/rIBMS_SnowCrab documentation built on March 30, 2022, 2:54 p.m.